Southern riffed metallers THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF premiere new video for “Bellicose”

THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF started their activity as two local bands from Bucharest, Romania colliding, Bogdan from CHESTER and Mihai from Breathelast), later on adding Alex (PZFI, Backstage Hero) to give it a sincere go at writing some tunes that would better react to their primal needs to play some wild, fast-paced music, inspired by old school metal combined w/ Hardcore / Punk vibes. Other sounds may occur. Today, we’re giving you the band’s new music video for “Bellicose & Outro”! “This album is furious anger aimed at the clashing worlds that keep colliding onto us, turning us into … Continue reading Southern riffed metallers THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF premiere new video for “Bellicose”