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PREMIERE: LOWFAITH’s dreamlike and seductive music video for “Requiescat”

1 min read

One listen and view of LOWFAITH‘s warm delivery, dreamy visuals by Micah Schultz, and captivating lyrical poetry, and you’re somewhere else. The Denver based atmospheric post punk act invites you back into that world with their new music video in support of their recent record “On Loss“, and we’re thrilled to give you their seductive new music video below!

Requiescat deals with a personal fear of growing distant from every relationship in your life until realizing you are completely alone making futile attempts to reconnect. Micah Schultz took this concept and created a hauntingly dreamlike world filled with apparitions of past connections that remain constantly out of reach.

Video directed and shot by Micah Schultz; edited by David Roy.

Recorded by Collin Ingram and mixed and mastered by Corey Coffman, the track comes from the band’s new record “On Loss”, available on CD and cassette from Sore Ear Collective.


my hand holds a pen dipped in red ink
falling into page’s pores, bolden letters sink
dated two weeks from last, signed sincerely
writing again to you, have you thought to reach me?

hope all is well
hear from you soon
hope all is well
falling farther from you

it’s not cruel to know that you won’t reply
it is in the thought that i don’t come to mind
the silence has always welcomed me home
but i could not survive to be forgotten, alone

this paper will fade and with it my words to you
this body will age and blur away our fleeting youth
you’ve put me away to never be reminisced
i’ll disintegrate, no thoughts to haunt, nothing left

hope all is well
hear from you soon
hope all is well

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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