
Sanity is a Full-Time Job: Craig Lewis’ Video Blog #2: Saša sharing her story about the Holocaust survivor

1 min read

In our new special series with writer, speaker and punk rocker Craig Lewis, we have teamed up to tell you 10 different stories through original interviews and short commentaries about different aspects of life, unveiled during Craig’s physical and mental journeys that led him to get inspired and develop his mindset. Part 2 focuses on Craig’s friend Saša, sharing her story about a woman she met, who survivded the Holocaust.

Comments Craig Lewis:

The first time I met Saša was at the Horizonty Symposium being held at the Hlubina Coal Mine in Ostrava, Czech Republic. I was there to give a presentation titled “Punková cesta k zotavení”, which translates roughly to “The Punk Rock Path to Recovery”. In Czech, “Hlubina” translates to the English word “Abyss”.

It is remarkable to me that here I was, a survivor of some particularly brutal shit, literally living out of a backpack with no home to return to in the United States, in other words, homeless, giving a presentation at a professional mental health conference about my life, and how I have been rising out of the abyss, and I meet Saša. This is what punk is all about. I am 46 years old; and it has always been like this.

Since the day I met Saša in May of 2018, I knew I had a friend for life. She actually cares about me and has always made sure that I knew that. Is that a strange thing to read from me, that someone actually cares? I guess what many people don’t understand is that I am a hurt man. You either understand or you don’t. You either take the time to understand or you don’t.

In late 2019, I spent a few days in Ostrava. One evening, while returning me to my sleeping space, I asked Saša to share her story of meeting a woman who survived the Holocaust.

Saša honored this woman and her life and it is a gift to share this gorgeous story with the world. Even during the most difficult of times; pockets of resistance will persist and continue. The universe is watching and sees you and honors you all.

To explore more of Craig’s stories, see our 2017 interview with Craig at this location. Follow Craig via Medium & Etsy.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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Sanity is a Full-Time Job Video Blog: introducing the new inspiring series from Craig Lewis

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Sanity is a Full-Time Job: Craig Lewis’ Video Blog #3: meeting one of the best RnB/Rap artists in Birmingham, Alabama (featuring Tjay Lamar)