New Music

Top 5 Industrial (+ top 5 non-Industrial) Albums of 2022 – by LA-based industrial-metal band CONTRACULT

2 mins read

Having parted ways with Roadrunner Records, LA-based industrial-metal band CONTRACULT comes into its own on new album The New Torment – a dense mix of pedal-to-the-metal beats, thick-as-tar riffs, head-spinning electronic elements, and soaring vocal hooks, for fans of Nine Inch Nails, KMFDM, Fear Factory, and Ghostemane… The album features a guest appearance by the legendary Attila Csihar (Mayhem). To celebrate its release and wrap up the year, we have teamed up with CONTRACULT frontman Svart to give you his top industrial and top non-industrial records of 2022!

The New Torment, mastered by Arthur Rizk (Power Trip, Code Orange, Cro-Mags, etc.), was released on November 4th.

Contracult frontman Svart (a.k.a. Travis Bacon, son of actor Kevin Bacon) states: “I was diagnosed as bipolar during the creation of [the album]. It’s a piece of work I am forever proud of, but it almost killed me.”

Deemed a promising new up n’ comer since its debut single dropped in 2020, Contracult comes into its own at last with The New Torment. The album sees the LA-based band graduate from “prospect” status to that of a fully-realized musical force. Having parted ways with Roadrunner Records, Contracult made The New Torment on its own terms and the results are monumental. The album is a true expression of the collective visions of its creators – founder/frontman Svart (Travis Bacon), guitarist Cultprit (Nick Emde), and newest member Bx (Bec Hollcraft).

Boasting guest appearances by legendary vocalist Attila Csihar (Mayhem) and drummer Jon Siren (IAMX, Front Line Assembly), The New Torment was engineered by Svart; mixed by Svart, Arthur Rizk (Power Trip, Ghostemane) and Eric Emery (Periphery, Scale the Summit); and mastered by Rizk.

As displayed on new single “The Glutton,” the sound is an onslaught of serrated metallic rock, armored in layer upon layer of industrial stylings. An immersive experience, a dizzying ride, The New Torment wields a dense mix of pedal-to-the-metal beats, thick-as-tar riffs, and head-spinning electronic elements. As the band’s own motto states: “Keep Goth Hard.”

Guitarist Cultprit describes the musical palette that inspired the writing of the new album, in addition to the aforementioned Nine Inch Nails: “From the heavy bands that are lifelong influences to me, from Napalm Death to Fear Factory, to modern rap like City Morgue. The crossover styles of artists like Ghostemane were definitely inspiring to get juiced up and have the urgency to write. Having Bx in the band opened the doors quite a bit too and helped expand our writing.”

The band is: Svart – vocals, programming, Cvltprit – guitar, Bx – vocals, synth

Contracult – Photo by Steven Anthony Roe

Top Industrial albums of 2022 – by COntracult

1. King Yosef – The Ever Growing Wound

Killer industrial hardcore? Whatever it may be this record really floored me. He’s really doing something I haven’t heard before.

2. Black Magnet – Body Prophecy

Killer industrial metal from Oklahoma of all places. Raw, in your face, well written songs which don’t conjure an immediate throwback reference.

3. Rammstein – Zeet

They have one song but… it’s a good song.

4. Statiqbloom – Threat

Statiqbloom is still one of the primary reasons I play industrial and this record is absolutely no exception. Influenced by his new home in Berlin, Fade took more of a techno approach with this release but it still “blooms” if you will

5. Danny Elfman – Bigger Messier

I’m sure there’s some debate as to whether or not this falls into this genre but I feel it does. It’s amazing what this man still has inside of him without matching it to picture.

Top 5 Non-Industrial Albums of 2022

1. Paul Wiley – Terrifier 2 Soundtrack

The Carpenter influence is clear on this but I think Paul really made this his own.

2. Orville Peck – Bronco

I’m so here for Orville’s career. A king.

3. Cristobal Tapia De Veer – Smile Soundtrack

If you haven’t heard Cristobal’s compositions I can’t stress enough how incredible they are. You’ve never heard a horror soundtrack quite like this

4. Urban Heat – Wellness

Don’t write the band off as tiktok goth. The songs are incredible.

5. Lorna Shore – Pain Remains

As someone who’s not completely a deathcore fan, this is a work of art.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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