Tour Dates

LIONHEART postpone their European tour [UPDATE]

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LIONHEART have postponed their June/July European dates.

The band has scrapped their plans due to “unforeseen reasons” and now hopes to be back on tour later this year.

LIONHEART European tour dates [CANCELED]:
08.06. Bremen – Tower (Germany) + ALL FOR NOTHING
09.06. Leisnig – Sucks’n’Summer Festival (Germany)
10.06. Siegen – Vortex (Germany)
12.06. Eindhoven – The Rambler (Netherlands)
14.06. Basel – Sommercasino (Switzerland) + BIOHAZARD
15.06. Salzwedel – Hanseat (Germany) + RISK IT!
16.06. Bath – Green Park Taverne (Great Britain)
19.06. Newcastle – Trillians (Great Britain)
20.06. Glasgow – Stairway Club (Great Britain)
21.06. Manchester – Star & Garter (Great Britain)
22.06. London – Underground (Great Britain) + XIBALBA
23.06. Trier – Summerblast (Germany)
24.06. Nantes – Le Ferrailleur (France) + XIBALBA
25.06. Marseilles – O’Bundies (France) + XIBALBA
27.06. Pforzheim – Kupferdächle (Germany)
30.06. Comaccio – Voodoo Club (Italy)
02.07. Wien – Area (Austria)
03.07. Graz – JUZ Explosiv (Austria)
04.07. Frankfurt – 11er (Germany)
05.07. Hradec Králové – Rock For People (Czech Prpublic)
06.07. Leipzig – 4 Rooms (Germany) + STILL SCREAMING
07.07. Karlsruhe – New Noise (Germany)
10.07. Freiburg – Atlantik (Germany)
13.07. Dour – Dour Festival (Belgium)
14.07. Nürtingen – Hangman Festival (Germany)

MAD Booking about LIONHEART:

Lionheart is a Hardcore/Metal band from the Bay Area, California. They released their first record “The Will To Survive” via Stillborn Records in 2008. Sharing the stage with Sworn Enemy, Thick As Blood, Walls Of Jericho, Agnostic Front, H20, and many more brought more attention to the band. Their next release, “Built On Struggle”, was released via Mediaskare Records on January 18, 2011.
A lot of bands today don’t sing about the struggle, about hardships but that was always hardcore to me.” Rob Watson who delivers violently passionate vocals and lyrics for Bay Area based group, Lionheart speaks on the band’s last album. “Built On Struggle is really the theme of a lot of my songs, about my personal demons. It’s about being a Lionheart to go through serious shit and being able to get up and walk away from it.” Set to intensely furious hardcore with weight of downtuned metallic guitars, Built To Struggle is the one of the most introspective albums to set the pit off with.

Lionheart’s record “BUILT ON STRUGGLE” is by far the bands most innovating release to date. It features guest spots by Karl Buechner (Earth Crisis), Lord Ezec AKA Danny Diablo (Icepick/Skarhead), Brandan Schieppati (Bleeding Through), Bruce LePage (orignal singer of 100 Demons), and a guest guitar solo by Dave Nassie (ex-Suicidal Tendencies).

2011 was a huge year for Lionheart, touring and playing high profile festivals with Madball, Blood For Blood, Hatebreed, The Acacia Strain, Terror, MyChildren MyBride, First Blood, Wisdom In Chains, and many more.

The follow up to 2011’s “Built On Struggle” is slated for an early 2012 release via Mediaskare Records. “It’s an exciting opportunity to be able to work with Matt Hyde and Nick Jett on this album,” says Lionheart’s vocalist Rob Watson. “Matt Hyde’s resume speaks for itself, and we know Nick from previous tours done together so that’ll be awesome to work together on something like this. We’ve been working on this record since the release of Built On Struggle, and we can’t wait to start recording it. It’s heavier, harder, and more pissed than anything we’ve done to date.”

Lionheart is:
Vocals – Rob Watson
Guitar – Rob McCarthy
Guitar – Earl Pitts
Bass – Evan Krejci
 Drums – Jay Scott


PUBLISHED on February 11, 2012.
UPDATED on February 26, 2012 – more dates added.

UPDATED on March 19, 2012 – Nantes and Newcastle shows added.
UPDATED on April 10, 2012 – Eindhoven and Hradec Králové shows added.
UPDATED on May 11, 2012 – tour canceled.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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