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TRENCHFOOT signs with Glory Kid! New song available!

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The new effort was mixed by Kurt Ballou at Godcity Studios and will be out in March next year. See the official word below and taste their new track “The Catacombs”, premiered via Toxicbreed’s Funhouse:

Trenchfoot formed in the Spring of 2011 in Rockland County, New York as four good friends with a vague vision of the loud, dirty and desperate style of hardcore they wanted to create. Within a few weeks they had written and recorded a 4 song demo as a means of hurriedly introducing themselves to friends, local hardcore scenes and potential studios that would allow them to capture their sound in a truer more intentional manner than the haphazard demo recording. One such studio was Godcity, whose owner and engineer, Kurt Ballou, quickly agreed to record a 7” for the band. The result was the 10song, selftitled and selfreleased 7” released in September 2011. The wellcrafted songs on the 7” marked a clear distinction from the simplicity of the demo and helped the band to become an immediate staple of the Hudson Valley Hardcore scene.

The band continued to build momentum playing in and around New York State and soon returned to Godcity to record their second 7” Endless Disgust, released in October 2012 on FDR Records. Endless Disgust marked the band descending deeper into a depressive, hellish sound, while still maintaining its initial sense of urgency. This more developed sound caught on with new ears and resulted in more and more offers for outofstate shows and tours which the band eagerly accepted.

August 2013 saw the release of a Trenchfoot/Old Wounds split 7” released on Meletov Records, with both sides recorded by upandcoming noise lord, Kevin Bernsten. This was the first release to not feature the original lineup, as the release of Endless Disgust marked the beginning of a quickly moving revolving door of bass players and experimentations with second guitarists. The 4 Trenchfoot songs on the split saw the band growing into their own unique sound which references rather than rips off their long and diverse list of influences.

Trenchfoot’s debut LP, At the Mercy of Circumstance, shows the band expanding from their newly discovered sound and reaching out of their comfort zones. The record features a slurry of solos, blast beats, dissonance, feedback, breakdowns, dbeats and angular chords tempered by infrequent moments of calm. These sounds are expertly captured and shaped, with the team of Kevin Bernsten engineering and Kurt Ballou mixing the album. Trenchfoot’s newly solidified lineup, rounded out with Tom of Colony fame on second guitar, features a new level of competence which allows the band to deliver these songs live in a beautifully chaotic wall of sound, which the band will continue constructing from their home base in New York’s Hudson Valley.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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