New Music

Auckland noisy post hardcore act BURDENZ share debut songs

2 mins read

This Auckland-based trio, born in early 2023, brings together a post-hardcore vibe that’s got its roots deep in the local scene. Jimmy (vocals and guitar), Alex Ross-Smith (bass and backing vocals), and Alex Gallagher (drums) aren’t new to this game.

They’ve been around the block with bands like COFFIN CLUB, NUGGIEZ, JANG, SOUL STROKE, and COOTIE CUTIES, and now they’re channeling all that raw energy into a sound that blends post-hardcore with psych, thrash, and alternative.

BURDENZ’ upcoming album, set to drop in about two months, is already making waves, especially with tracks like “Pills.”

Jimmy lays it out bluntly, with lyrics that cut right through the noise: “I’m not so ready to go out tonight. Pills in your pocket, I’m not gonna bite.” The song isn’t just a catchy chorus—it’s a statement against the pressures that come from those dark corners of the scene where substances are pushed as hard as the music.


The verse digs deeper into that struggle: “You’ve got your head in a vice, your head’s in a reel so soon.” It’s a callout to the exploitation and manipulation that too often ruins the good things in these communities.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s a streak of resilience running through their work, like in “Cultz,” another single that dropped a few months back.

The band’s approach isn’t just about pointing out the problems; it’s about pushing back, surviving, and maybe even thriving despite it all.


And hey, they’re not just about the music either. They’ve got this killer black soap they sell at gigs—a little side hustle with a punk twist, thanks to Jimmy’s partner, Victoria, a pharmacologist.

Looks just like a regular soap, right?

It’s made with charcoal, 100% natural, and somehow, it feels just as authentic as their sound.


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This year, the band continues to play across New Zealand, with plans to hit Australia and beyond.

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Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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