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A389 Records sign with VILIPEND

1 min read

VILIPEND have signed a deal with A389 Records.

Here’s the official word from the label:

I’ve known Chris Gramlich since my days growing up in Toronto. He played drums in a few local bands I remember fondly, such as Tchort and Association area. Bands that unless you grew up in Toronto in the mid 1990s, you probably haven’t heard of. But by all means, you should try to track down their stuff if you can.

Anyways like most times I reconnect with old friends they usually have a new band that is really really good. VILIPEND is no exception to the rule. It’s total 90′s metalcore ala Turmoil/Deadguy crossed with nihilistic sludge ala Buzz*oven/Eyehategod, and it’s awesome!

We’ll be trying to get copies of VILIPEND‘s punishing ‘Plague Bearer’ 7″ in the store soon and before you know it summer will be here and we’ll be releasing their brand new LP titled ‘Inamorata‘…

Listen to the VILIPEND track ‘To Impede The Healing Process’ taken from their LP ‘Inamorata’ Coming soon on A389 Recordings.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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