xANCHORx will be touring Finland, Russia and Sweden next month. Their previous Summer shows are available in the flyer below.
Contact the band via xanchorx@hotmail.com.
Tour Dates:
20/10/2012 SWEDEN Stockholm Skarpnäcks Kulturhus EDGE DAY w/ Stay hungry, Iron to gold, Inherit, Lose the life, Urbanoia, SSE Revenge
19/10/2012 FINLAND TBA
18/10/2012 FINLAND TBA
17/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
16/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
15/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
14/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
13/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
12/10/2012 RUSSIA TBA
11/10/2012 FINLAND TBA
10/10/2012 FINLAND TBA
ANCHOR live:
PUBLISHED on March 2, 2012.
UPDATED on June 18, 2012 – poster added (more dates announced).
UPDATED on September 22, 2012 – more dates added.