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Check out: AUXES’ full album stream

1 min read

Scroll down to check out the full stream of AUXES‘ latest album “More! More! More!”.

AUXES is the brainchild of Dave Laney, also known as guitarist and founding member of the bands MILEMARKER and CHALLENGER.

Subbacultcha magazine describes:

It sounds strange to say this, but Auxes actually sound like an updated version of some of the stalwarts of eighties hardcore – or a new version of some old bands, in other words. Think Black Flag with more melody or Fugazi with more bite and a bit more of a rock ‘n’ roll influence.

AUXES live:

Here’s the official bio:

AUXES is the brainchild of Dave Laney, also known as guitarist and founding member of the bands MILEMARKER and CHALLENGER. Initially conceived as a solo project, the first AUXES LP, “Sunshine” (Lovitt Records, 2007) was an impressive display of multi-instrumental virtuosity, with Dave handling all instruments and even engineering the recording himself (few people, aside from Prince, have accomplished such a feat). To translate AUXES into the live domain, Dave enlisted help from friends and associates such as Ben Davis (MILEMARKER, SLEEPYTIME TRIO), Mike Triplett (FIN FANG FOOM), John Crouch (CALTROP), and Jay-buss Bowman (RIGHTS RESERVED, EAGLE BRAVO). The live band grew into an ever-shifting entity of musical collaborators, taking on a life and unique momentum of its own.

AUXES’ second LP, “Ichkannnichtmehr” (Gunner Records, 2010) represents a shift in approach and in the life of its principal protagonist. In mid 2009, Dave Laney made the move overseas, now residing in his newly adopted hometown of Hamburg, Germany. Musically, this has resulted in a stripped-down, aggressive punk rock sound- fitting for a city where cop cars are routinely set on fire. Drum duties on the record are split between Florian Brandel (known for his work with AIRPEOPLE and the legendary ENIAC) and Noah Leger (MILEMARKER, HEAD OF SKULLS). Other players include Pete Wagner, steady AUXES bassist since 2008, Al Burian (MILEMARKER, CHALLENGER), and Tim Remis (SWEET COBRA, CHALLENGER, MILEMARKER). The shifting line-up adds spontaneity and tension to live performances, with audiences never knowing quite what to expect, save for one certainty: that the music will kick their ass.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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