New Music

THE DEAD GOATS strike back with a new gut-blasting EP!

1 min read

Featured on IDIOTEQ 3 years ago, Polish fierce death metal act THE DEAD GOATS are back with a new EP called β€œDon’t Go In The Tomb”, available now via Aranchnophobia Records! The new outing captures the epic urgency of highyl energetic type of the punk inspired subgenre with enlightening detail. The whole record is an entirely engaging effort that will serve as one of the crowning jewels of its genre’s independent output this year. Check out the full thing below and go here or here to grab your copy!


After critically acclaimed debut album, miniLP, demo and splits, The Dead Goats strike back with another piece! β€œDon’t go in the tomb” consists of three new compositions in the vein of old-school Swedish death metal – a style so characteristic for The Dead Goats. Once again they confirm being the spiritual successors of Nihilist, Grave and Entombed. Produced by Satanic Audio (Thaw, Eerie). The CD will be released in digipack (16 pages of booklet in a poster form). Cover and layout by Szymon Siech.

The idea behind the The Dead Goats was born during the last european tour of grindcore monster Neuropathia in July of 2010, when the perspective of band’s hiatus became imminent but the notion of abandoning the 90’s Stockholm sound was out of the question. Hence, the bassist Marcin Jaworski, the drummer RadosΕ‚aw PierΕ›ciΕ„ski and the guitarist PaweΕ‚ Bartulewicz met again towards the end of that year to seize the idea and forge it into a monster, so at the beginning of the year 2011 the band officially came to be. Few months of not-so-extensive rehearsals brought the material which would later be known as β€œPath of the Goat” which received much critical acclaim, gathering almost exclusively postitive reviews in Polish press as well as international one. The album was featured at some of the summaries of best records of the year, and Terrorizer Magazine called it β€œsome of the most compelling and headbangable Swedeath since the term Swedeath became a viable word” while awarding the album a highest possible score. The ever-growing passion of preaching the swedish way made 2013-2015 quite busy years, with The Dead Goats collaborating with various bands and labels, which gave birth to 12” EP β€œChildren Of The Fungus”, cdr demo β€œFerox”, 7” split EP with Revel In Flesh, 12” split LP with Icon Of Evil and upcoming mCD β€œDon’t Go in the Tomb” released by Arachnophobia Records.


Karol KamiΕ„ski

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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