
Hardcore band NOT IN THIS LIFETIME check in with a video interview

1 min read

Groningen’s NOT IN THIS LIFETIME released their new album “Vultures” in October 2016 via Bound My Modern Age Records and Mark My Words Records (rtead out interview with the label at this location) and we recently asked to sit down with us, show themselves and uncover some more details on their project and discuss the Dutch hardcore scene. Watch below and be sure to dive into the “Vultures”, a powerful built to take your breath away. It’s embedded below, so feel free to scroll down and check it out.

“Vultures” by NOT IN THIS LIFETIME is available now via Bound My Modern Age Records and Mark My Words Records.

Questions asked:

1. Hey guys! Glad to have you here. How are you? How’s Groningen?

2. Great! Before we dive into the details of your debut full length, please take us back to 2015 and tell us what led you to form this band.

3. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME, it seems to me, was developed from a slightly different place. In a way it looks like the natural continuation of your work with LIES! How do your previous projects relate to NOT IN THIS LIFETIME?

4. Have a couple of reference points from other releases you arranged in the past, how do you feel the process of recording and putting out records has changed over the last couple of years?

5. What made you guys decide to team up with Mark My Words and Bound By Modern Age labels for this release?

6. Alright, so diving a bit more into the record, were your lyrics influenced by any specific themes experiences or happenings? What message do you want your this record to get across?

7. Considering the way the world was in 2016, what is your personal aftermath or conclusion?

8. What challenges do young people and particularly your generation face these days?

9. Do you think hardcore punk is still attracting audience due to the fact of current political and social affairs of the world? How do you think the political role of hardcore has changed over time?

10. The Dutch hardcore scene has been gathering enormous attention for years! How do you feel it’s grown and changed?

11. What artists do you think exemplify the current or next exciting move in the punk / independent music scene?

12. Finally, what are you most looking forward to in 2017?

13. Great! Thanks so much for your thoughts, guys! Feel free to drop your final message and take care! Good luck with the band and all your plans for 2017! Cheers from rainy Warsaw.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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