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FUGAZI live shows available for download

1 min read

FUGAZI‘s Live Series page was recently updated with an addition of 25 more concerts, which are now available for download.

The Live Series page states,

25 new concert downloads were added on February 13, 2012 (in addition to the 25 that were added in January). This brings the total to 180 downloads, and we’ll continue adding shows monthly until we reach our goal of making every one of the 800+ Fugazi concert recording in our collection available. New downloads are listed in the ‘Recently Added Shows’ column on the left, and are highlighted in green in the main itinerary.

The following concerts have been added to the site and are available to download now:
Chicago, IL USA 06/24/2001
Chicago, IL USA 06/23/2001
Munich, Germany 09/25/1999
Las Vegas, NV USA 03/05/1999
Honolulu, HI USA 10/16/1996
Ventura, CA USA 02/19/1999
Portland, OR USA 02/26/1999
Conway, AR USA 11/24/1998
Syracuse, NY USA 07/17/1998
Washington, DC USA 04/19/1996
San Francisco, CA USA 11/06/1995
San Francisco, CA USA 11/05/1995
Catania, Sicily, Italy 06/18/1995
Washington, DC USA 11/29/1994
Iowa City, IA USA 08/29/1993
Las Vegas, NV USA 04/22/1993
Budapest, Hungary 06/11/1992
Buffalo, NY USA 03/11/1991
Reseda, CA USA 05/17/1990
Reseda, CA USA 05/16/1990
Austin, TX USA 05/05/1990
Chapel Hill, NC USA 05/01/1989
Glasgow, Scotland 11/27/1989
Manchester, England 11/28/1989
Olympia, WA USA 05/16/1988

FUGAZI live:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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