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Gloomy, sludgy metallers SOMA discuss new album “Dead Man’s Dream”

4 mins read

Emerging from the remains of their previous incarnation, COWSHED, and having evolved as a multi-disciplinary metal band, Gdańsk, Poland based SOMA stay bound to their sludge backbone. Their debut full length offering “Dead Man’s Dream” is anchored by heavy riffs and lots of gloomy metal variety that will keep the listener interested throughout. Today, we have teamed with the band to give you their special commentary on their project, track by track commentary both in English and Polish, and  their first-hand profiles of each and every member of SOMA.

“We always found it pretty amazing that we’ve managed to stay together in an unchanged squad since the very first band practice.” – says the band.

𝑊𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠.

“What we’ve learned over time is that our creations have to be honest and they have to be a projection of ourselves onto the world.” – they continue.

“We are currently working on a new material that will lead to another LP. Our goal is to find a record label and reach larger group of listeners.”

Asked about their local music community, SOMA admit that their local music scene “is filled with great alternative rock, jazz and electro.”

“There are numerous inspiring albums coming out every year but when it comes to metal-oriented bands, the situation changes. When we were starting out (in 2011) there were numerous young, trash playing bands that we shared stage with. After some time these bands are no more and there is not a lot of good left that still keep this genre alive. We are trying to convey a message that metal is also a form of art and should not be treated like anything else.

Learn to Love

[EN] This track tries to tackle the problem of today’s society which is aggression caused by fear.

[PL] Utwór opowiada o jednym z największych ówczesnych problemów społeczeństwa czyli agresji wywołanej przez strach.


[EN] The main motif in this track is the global environmental disaster caused by ignorance and carelessness.

[PL] Motywem przewodnim utworu jest globalna katastrofa ekologiczna spowodowana ignorancją.


[EN] This track aims to portray the processes and changes taking place in depressed mind and body. These aspects are strongly connected to mental illnesses and insomnia.

[PL] Utwór ma za zadanie zobrazować procesy oraz zmiany zachodzące w organizmie osób z depresją, bezsennością, problemami psychicznymi.

Disdain for life

[EN] This track focuses on the uselessness of using violence as persuasive tool and to use violence in general.

[PL] Utwór porusza tematykę bezsensowności przemocy i konsekwencji jakie za tym idą.


[EN] This track portrays the vision of the apocalypse caused by the lack of moral code and that’s here to be witnessed by all who caused it.

[PL] Utwór przedstawia wizję końca ludzkości spowodowana brakiem kręgosłupa moralnego której sama ludzkości jest świadkiem.


[EN] This is a song that is very personal for me (Adam). It tells a story of a death of a close friend which was sudden and happened in a very young age.

[PL] Utwór powstał w bardzo ciężkim okresie mojego życia (Adam) kiedy to nieoczekiwanie i o wiele za młodo zmarła bardzo bliska mi osoba

Stream of Consciousness

[EN] Simply a stream of consciousness which aims to express hopelessness that we all feel from time to time.

[PL] Strumień świadomości – ekspresja bezsilności

Dead Man’s Dream

[EN] This track carries a message about the most important values in today’s world which are tolerance, empathy and open communication.

[PL] Tytułowy utwór, który opowiada o najważniejszych wartościach w społeczeństwie jakimi są tolerancja, empatia i otwarta komunikacja.

SOMA members’ profiles:

SOMA is: Adam Jarmołowicz – vocals, Jakub Modrzejewski – guitar, Filip Herbasch – guitar, Mateusz Wądołowski – bass, Adrian Herbasch – drums. Guest appearance: Jakub Klemensiewicz – sax.

Kuba – Currently working in Video Game industry, hoping to become a full time musican soon. Aside from being a Metal fan I enjoy different genres, especially experimental bands/composers which bring something new to the world of todays music.

I am also a Jazz performance student and I belive that it helps me bring interesting elements to our music.

In my spare time I create my own compositions in many different genres. Other things which I enjoy very much are definitley cooking, gaming and spending the free time among the nature.

SOMA live by Marcin Jarmołowicz
SOMA live by Marcin Jarmołowicz

Adrian – I’m the oldest in the band. I enjoy manual labour and outdoor physical activities.

Music for me is basically “taming chaos”. I like to spending free time drinking with friends.

Mateusz: I enjoy playing bass very much. I love the sound and the rhythmical aspect of it. I’m a huge fan of traveling which I try to incorporate into everyday life.

I love to kick back and practice with a group of friends that I knew before we even became a band.

Filip: I aim to fulfill my dreams and express myself by being a member of two bands at once. In one band I’m a guitarist, while in the other, I play drums. Creating music simply moves me and that’s what matters the most.

SOMA live by Marcin Jarmołowicz
SOMA live by Marcin Jarmołowicz

Adam: I’m a videographer in everyday life. I love to look for art in every situation or place I’m in. I strongly believe that people often are afraid to express themselves because they feel like the lack the skills. That’s why ART BRUT is the most influential branch for me. I find peace and fulfilment in being in contact with art and implementing different parts of it into out music.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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