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Henry Rollins talks about his plans for next year

1 min read

Punk icon and former BLACK FLAG and ROLLINS BAND singer Henry Rollins recently spoke to Full Metal Jackie about his plans for the upcoming year.

henry rollins

He responded:

It’s the end of 2012 right now so I’m off the road after about 11 months and I’m going to start working on books. I have a publishing company and I’ve written about 27, 28 books, so I have about five books in different versions of completion. Minimum two will come out next year. I’m hoping for three, just to get them out of the way so I can get all the other stuff coming in ready. So it will be a couple of books on music and a travel book from the years of 2009 and 2010 where I went everywhere from North Korea to Tibet, and I’m working on my next photo book; the first one came out last year. I’ve got some acting work lined up for next year. I do a lot of voiceover, and so there will be a lot of voiceover that I’m doing now that will bleed into 2013. I’m the voice for some car company called Infinity and I do work at places like Nickelodeon, so you’ll hear my voice on TV and radio doing all kind of stuff. In 2013 — some shows, but mainly acting, editing, traveling to extreme places so I can have cool stories for the big 2014 tour. I tour every other year so the odd years, I go out and gather stories and I try and find a job and so I better get employed because, like a lot of people, I really enjoy eating every single day. Food is fantastic. I’m one of those food types. Next year, books for sure, re-pressing some of my old band stuff on heavy vinyl, getting that back into print and a lot of travel — countries I haven’t figured out yet, probably back to Uganda and Sudan, into Darfur and once you’re on the African continent you might as well go to other places. I’ll probably go to Chad, Zimbabwe because it’s such a hall to get out to Africa, when you’re there you might as well stay and see some other stuff. Basically a vigorous, very stressful 2013. I like stress; it keeps me rockin’.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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