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Hungarian nu metal quartet ICENAP performing live from Budapest; share top 5 live sessions

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Hungarian nu metal quartet ICENAP have recently released their brand new live session video for their previously unreleased song See You Never. They also played a full concert on Hungarys’ Open Music Channel without an actual audience.

To celebrate, today, we are sharing both performances, plus ICENAP’s special top 5 biggest favourite live session vids, brough to you by singer  / guitarist Martin Toth.

Top 5 live sessions, by ICENAP:

5. NIN – Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Live At Rehearsal 2005)

“It has a weird and intimate mood to see musicians play their set in a space without an audience. Our own first experiences were sort of like playing a rehearsal. We like to practice our whole setlists like it’s actual live shows regularly, so the feeling was kinda like that when we played our 1st show without an audience on the Open Music Channel back in January. We imagine that Trent Reznor and staff also does that when it comes to preparing for actual gigs, for us there is no better rehearsal performance than their performance back from 2005.”

4. Sepultura – Ratamahatta (Live on 2 Meter Sessions)

“We draw most of our influences from late 90’s and early 00’s metal bands. It was the last significant era when metal went real big by experimenting with various genres creating interesting sounds. This era is often labelled as “nu metal” which we think is not a “dirty word” anymore, but it’s a big simplification. Just take a look at Sepultura’s early studio session which is the pure essence of groove metal mixed with traditional sounds.”

3. Radiohead – All I Need (Live from The Basement)

“It’s quite far from heavy music, in the exact meaning, but Radiohead sounded better on this live recording than on their actual album. There are some bands which inspire you artistically and not so musically. It gives you the inextricable attitude of art and creative ideas. Radiohead is one of those bands. You can tell that something important and beautiful is happening here.”

2. SlipKnot – Three Nil (Live @AOL)

“Good old AOL Sessions. I guess this is the earliest experience of audienceless live performances for us. In our own studio gigs we preferred playing with the intensity of actual gigs, cause it must be so dissapointing for our viewers to see us just standing and playing the songs casually. We did not care if we missed some notes or gathered some pace, the temper of a metal show must come through the screens. SlipKnot demonstrates it perfectly here.”

1. Deftones – EROS Studio Leak

“It’s not an actual, traditional “studio session” video, it’s a leak of Deftones’ own unreleased material before the Diamond Eyes-era, when their former bass guitarist Chi Cheng unfortunately had an accident. Eros is being held back since, so this is a true gem for tremendous fans like our band. This is why it earned the first place for us on this strongly subjective list.”

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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