New Music

Introducing: Bristol based antifascist, queer blackened screamo band WEEPING!

2 mins read

hile UK blackened screamo act WEEPING maintains some aspects of the hardcore punk rooted genre, it would unwise to call their unholy work a one-dimensional experiment. The band’s debut track “The Weak” delivers bleak yet massively creative imagination of their own design.  It’s dark, overwhleming and dramatic. WEEPING just emerged and have already made some plans to release a full record. They commented:

We are hoping to record our debut album in late Summer, early Autumn. We are only interested in recording ‘live‘ so as to allow for a greater representation of the energy and connection of the music, so we’re very conscious of finding the right space for this.

“The Weak” spends its 9-minutes creeping into your head like a dark fog and filling it with a great sense of anxiety that builds progressively and never fully leaves your mind. We asked the band 3 simple questions to get into their heart and understand what it the WEEPING (see the answers below).

Catch the band live tonight with THE BODY and UNIFORM at the Exchange venue in Bristol! See the details here. They will be teaming up with RIISTETYT for another show on May 27th at The Chelsea Inn (see more details at this location) and on July 18th with FULL OF HELL and UNYIELDING LOVE. Both shows will take place in Bristol, as well. WEEPING are hoping to organise a run of European dates with their friends in UNDERDARK for later this year.

Track mixed and mastered by Tony James / Artwork by Perennial Recuperation

Why so dark?

Darkness is always something that’s been present, both in ourselves and more recently globally, with everything that’s going on in the world currently. It’s something we’re constantly encouraged to suppress within a social environment, and is constantly disregarded and tossed aside. Therefore, by addressing and interacting with this side of the world it’s giving a voice to negativity and darkness which is present in everyone. I (Ed) formed the band to try and combat some very real suicidal thoughts I was having. Music should be cathartic, and Weeping exists for myself, and the others, to exorcise our own demons. Without this band, I would probably be dead.

Why vegan?

Veganism is a common thread that runs through each member of the band; we had all previously adopted vegan diets and lifestyles, and felt, at the point of the bands inception, that this would be a core theme of what would become Weeping. The meat and dairy industry is one based on violence, suppression, greed and speciesism. It is something that none of us are willing to participate in. Mechanised animal-agriculture is one of the greatest blights on ‘humanity’ since our evolution to the dominant species.

Who’s The Weak?

The Weak lyrically addresses facsist groups and their actions of systematically oppressing anyone deemed to be ‘weaker’. This ignorance, hostility and de-facto use of (perceived) strength to control others is the mark of truly weak individuals and groups.

Specifically it was written in response to the marches undertaken in Whitefish, Montana early this year. The movement of Western politics violently towards the right is something that the musical community cannot simply brush aside as ‘someone elses problem.’ We as a band are fully supportive of all forms of civil disobedience, direct action and criminal damage that stands in protest towards the rampant suppressive personalities that litter our society.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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