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Jonah Matranga stream 2 new tracks!

1 min read

Jonah Matranga (also known as onelinedrawing, ex-FAR and NEW END ORIGINAL) is releasing a new album called “Me And You Are Two”! Pre-order now for free shipping and check out 2 new tracks streaming below!

Jonah Matranga

Jonah commented:

So, the subject line pretty much said it. I have a new album called ‘Me And You Are Two’. I am so happy with it, and I’d really love for you to be a part of getting it off to a great start getting out into the world. As you’ll soon see, I made all sorts of sassy deals featuring vinyl, shirts, magnets and more, including a way to get the CD+treats in person at a show — and to be on the list to get in free for said show! I’ll be adding more dates & places as we go, but this is just a concise (for me) little plea for your continued, amazing, humbling assistance with my strange little ideas. This e-list that you’re a part of has been going for well over a decade now(!!!) and it remains my most favorite way to say a big hello to anyone that cares about me & the music enough to read my babbling. So thanks, no matter what. Enjoy the music, hope to see you this year and for lots more of them.

Oh yea, so the link to all the new album stuff is:

To paraphrase the great prophet Brad
Speaking to the sage Spicoli
In the epic masterpiece that is
Fast Times At Ridgemont High:

Check it. Love it. Share it.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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