Handshake Inc., the independent film production/music video company behind the Maryland Deathfest: The Movie franchise and recently formed record label of the same name (Sulaco ‘Build and Burn’, Surachai ‘To No Avail’, Rwake “Forge”, Tellusian “Scania”, Iron Tongue/Dirty Streets split), is uber-stoked to announce the new addition of Tennessee’s LASER FLAMES ON THE GREAT BIG NEWS to its musical roster.
Go here to stream their new album in full!
Here’s the official announcement:
LFOTGBN play a unique brand of southern prog-rock with elements of black metal, Melvins through way of Trex and a male/female lead vocal approach that’ll melt a smile all up on your grill.
“I became friends with John Judkins (singer/guitars for LFOTGBN) when I toured with Today is the Day in 2008, as projectionist for their Axis of Eden the Feature Film tour,” said Handshake Inc.’s head honcho David Hall from his headquarters in London, Ontario, “So when John played me the LFOTGBN jams I jumped at the chance to release their first album – it’s totally killer.”
Gang vocals, viola, blast-beats, dive-bombs and galloping guitars galore accented by some of the sweetest vocal harmonies ever to drip down from the south side of the Mason Dixon. “Lambs” the first release by Tennessee’s “Laser Flames on the Great Big News,” features four catchy-as-hell, southern-rock songs bursting at the seams with beauty, power and ache. With all the groove, soul and killer riffs of a Hendrix tune mixed wtih the heaviness of Sabbath, “Lambs” could be the imagined outcome of ‘Masters’ era Metallica playing the stolen backline of Lynyrd Skynyrd til fingers, feet and vocal chords bleed.
“Lambs” genre hops a thousand hyphens and stylistically traverses much of the rock and extreme music universe, but doesn’t get lost in gimmicks or novelty games. This is music that’s real, played for therapy and release by four hard rock soldiers. Sung to hell and back with alternating male and female vocals, “Lambs” is like L’autrichine era Jucifer, Cat Power before she cleaned up and (the) Melvins doing their best T Rex impression.
Featuring John Judkins, current bassist of Rwake, and formerly of Today is the Day and Christine; Laser Flames on the Great Big News is a band that plays rock songs for metal heads, country ballads for crust-punks and classic rock for black metal maniacs. Such fine melody made evil through heartache and the devil’s electric guitar. If Led Zeppelin, Sabbath and Thin Lizzy find time on your turntable next to Slayer, Melvins and Mayhem, Laser Flame on the Great Big News have something you should hear.
for more information and media inquiries, please contact David Hall at info@handshakeinc.com