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TO LIVE AND SHAVE IN L.A. live in Brooklyn, May 2015

1 min read

Formed in 1993 by avant-garde musician Tom Smith and Miami Beach musician Frank Falestra, TO LIVE AND SHAVE IN L.A., one of the most offbeat bands ever, are back on the road. The collective have just wrapped up their US tour and will be hitting European shores in October. Representing them will be Tom Smith, Rat Bastard, Balázs Pándi, and Graham E. See the dates and watch the video below.


New to TLASILA Bandcamp: Objects of Timeless Validity. A contiguous survey of studio perturbation, March 1998-September 1999. The Wigmaker was still being pared down, the ill-fated Tony Conrad, Fat-Ass was contorting into shape, and the free-glam convulsions of October 1999 loomed while a murder of edits descended on Western Blot. Magnitudes and tensors hummed and throbbed.

Discerning “Neue Sachlichkeit” buffs will perhaps recognize the title of the compilation from the acidic harangues penned in the mid-1920s by aesthetic contrarian Gustav Hartlaub; his attacks on bourgeois art bores of the day mirror TLASILA’s unstinting battle against itself.

Euro tour

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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