
NEW FOUND GLORY guitarist to produce the new SHAI HULUD album

1 min read

SHAI HULUD have selected NEW FOUND GLORY guitarist Chad Gilbert, who was once a member of the band, as the producer for their new record, which they plan to begin recording later this month.

Gilbert comments:

Matt Fox from Shai Hulud hit me up while on tour about potentially producing their new album. I immediately thought it could be an interesting and fun team up but I really wanted to hear new demos before agreeing. He sent me a few new songs and I was pleasantly surprised!

The songs were awesome and felt very classic; the melodic hardcore metal they are already admired for but taken to another level. I think with us teamed up we can make the best Shai Hulud record yet!

SHAI HULUD guitarist Matt Fox added:

It started with this riff. Like a lot of albums do. It’s a pretty cool riff, Chad liked it, so I showed him a few more. He seemed to like the others, and had some really cool ideas for them, too. This was a few years ago, and that’s when we first entertained the idea working on a record together.

Fast forward to when we are almost ready to book studio time… let’s see if Chadremembers any of those riffs. He remembered liking them, and asked to hear more. By this time some of these riffs made it into completed songs. We were pretty happy to hear he liked how everything evolved, and that he’d be interested in working with us on the next Shai Hulud album.

I remember at 14 years old or so I was extremely excited because Wolverine was teaming up with the Punisher in “Punisher: War Journal”. I don’t know if anything can match that youthful elation, but this is right up there, pretty damn close.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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