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Thai hardcore heavyweights WHISPERS ink a deal with Flatspot Records, new video streaming

1 min read

Hailing from the gritty depths of Bangkok’s hardcore scene, this band brings an unrelenting force to the global stage, carving out a place in metallic hardcore that few dare to challenge.

Their journey, beginning back in 2014, only started to gather true momentum when their 2021 release caught international attention, pushing them to new heights. Now, their next chapter unfolds with the upcoming release of their new EP, set for December 13th via Flatspot Records.

WHISPERS by Pinit Tupthai
WHISPERS by Pinit Tupthai

The band doesn’t shy away from themes of karmic retribution and human frailty.

As vocalist Nitisart “Mike” Chaiburi explains, the lead single encapsulates a deeply personal philosophy: “The main idea of writing this song came from my own belief that in the end, we cannot escape the consequences of the karma that we have done unjustly to each other. Even if you are big in the sky or have a lot of power, fame, and money, you cannot use those things to wash away your sins or replace the things you have done wrong to the hearts of others.”

Sonically, the band worked tirelessly to craft something that could stand up to the legacy of their influences, bringing in heavyweight names like Andy Nelson at BrickTop Recording for mixing and Brad Boatright at Audiosiege to handle mastering duties.

With a nod to the brutal energy of acts like All Out War and Merauder, this new offering promises to continue the band’s tradition of delivering ferocious jabs in the head.


With their signing to Flatspot Records, they’re gearing up for a massive European tour this October, alongside some of the most exciting names in hardcore.

Tour Dates with Speed, End It, Life’s Question:


18.10.24 Italy Venice CS Rivolta +
19.10.24 Switzerland Luzern Sedel
20.10.24 France Paris Glazart
21.10.24 Belgium Antwerp Zappa
22.10.24 Germany Köln Kantine
23.10.24 Germany Hamburg Knust
24.10.24 Germany Chemnitz AJZ ●
25.10.24 Germany Berlin SO36 ●
26.10.24 Poland Warsaw Hybrydy ●
27.10.24 UK Manchester Outbreak Autumn Fest
28.10.24 Austria Wien Arena ●
29.10.24 Germany Nürnberg Z-Bau ●
30.10.24 Netherlands Eindhoven Dynamo ●

+ w/ Silver
● w/ Mortal Form

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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