Metal band by fradellafra
New Music

These New Metal Bands Are Storming The Music Industry

3 mins read

Death metal was gloriously odd before it became the genre that every non-metal fan adopts to simulate what extreme music sounds like.

It was an experimental and bizarre genre when it formally broke away from thrash in the late 1980s and flourished dangerously in the early 1990s.

But, like with every musical culture, the outrageous pioneers gave way to bands wishing to sound exactly like them, and death metal evolved into a distinct and, at times, hackneyed genre.

Regardless of who your favorite band is, they all have one thing in common: they started as local performers desperate for a big break.

With each passing generation, the trip becomes more difficult, with more noise and competitors to contend with in order to capture your attention.

You can download their songs from the pirate bay. Just click here and type the song you’re looking for. It will be on your PC within seconds.

Now, let’s focus on some of the best metal bands of 2022.

1: Apes

What if we took post-metal and replaced all the peaceful moments with the most oppressively thick grindcore you’ve ever heard?— is the primary idea of these Canadian brutes.

Lullabies For Eternal Sleep, their impending fourth EP, is thirteen minutes of breath-taking brutality, starting with Cornwall’s never-ending frenzy before Devour hammers with slow, claustrophobic rhythms.

It was available online on January 4th, and the physical copies of this album sold like crazy. So, get yourself a copy right now, and see what we’re talking about.

2: Hidden Mothers

Hidden Mothers, whose EP and combative gigs have progressively infected black metal fans’ hearts, distills the agony of northern England into music.

In its quietest moments, their post-metal-inspired take on the genre threatens, only to burst into a tornado of blast beats and squeals.

To get your skull blasted off extremely forcefully, try Your Burden and My Blindness. You’ll be able to heal in time to hear their debut album, which will be released in 2022.

3: The Halo Effect

These Swedes were the most talked-about new metal band of 2021, returning their members to their beginnings as pioneers of the legendary Gothenburg sound.

Shadow Minds, the band’s first song, offered just what we wanted—Spine chilling chorus with melodic grunge metal.

The quartet will be on the road with Machine Head in September, so expect more catchy tunes.

4: Heriot

Allow the new double-single Near Vision/Enter The Flesh to thrash you for five minutes, and you’ll get a full picture of what this metalcore band is capable of.

Debbie Gough, the quartet’s singer, guides them through fast-paced hardcore, powerful groove metal and menacing ambient segues, covering more ground in one song than most of their peers do in an album.

They’re almost probably British metal’s next breakthrough stars, with new music on the way in 2022.

5: Burner

Lewis Johns is the best producer in British metal, having worked on albums by Rolo Tomassi, Employed To Serve, and Conjurer.

So it pricked ears to hear he’d hitched his wagon to these unknown Londoners for their first single. Ingsoc sounded like a cross between death metal and hardcore, with snarling and tremolo playing, as well as Converge-style shrieking riffs.

It was a tantalizing preview for the upcoming EP A Vision Of The End.

6: Vended

Even if some may scoff at the similarity, Vended has aspects of classic-era Slipknot, with its poisonous vocals and stifling rhythms.

In 2021, high-profile appearances at different US venues helped the band create a true buzz, with their first EP-Hit What Is It/Kill It, only adding to the flames.

Given their upcoming tour dates in 2022, it’s reasonable to assume that your eyes will be stuck on this band to follow up their initial album with something meatier that demonstrates their versatility.

7: Blodet

In 2021, these post-rockers issued their second EP, Vision, via an indestructible underground label: Church Road.

Hilda Heller, an ex-instrumentalist, joined the band to make those three tracks even more bleak than normal, quietly humming amid chugging basslines and echoing notes.

Their dismal hypnotism is a must-hear for fans of the genre, so maybe new music won’t be released in another three years.

Final Thoughts

We think these bands have a great future, and if they continue making the kind of music they are right now, they will soon be compared to their forefathers in metal.

We are also waiting for that day.

So, if you need more details on these new metal bands, make sure you ping us in the comment section below.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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