Interviews STARE

WE CAME OUT LIKE TIGERS interviewed by This Is Fubar

1 min read

WE CAME OUT LIKE TIGERS did a cool interview with lots of talk about their new album.

How and when did We Came Out Like Tigers form?

We formed a couple of years back, myself and Simon had both moved to Liverpool to study and had separately been trying to start bands for a long time with little success, we were all finding it really difficult to find other people who wanted to play and listen to music, we were going to shows alone and searching musicians wanted ads… When we met up it seemed pretty insane to find someone who wanted to make heavy and emotional music as well, from then we’ve been determined to see this through. We knew Oli through some mutual friends and he was so posi about starting this band, and then just took it from there really.

Where does the name come from?

It’s from a song by the band Wives, we’d been listening to ‘Erect the Youth Problem’ a lot when we first started, Si was using the title as his email address and we thought it sounded like the sort of message we wanted to bring across (It was meant to be ambiguous, and the slightly camp element is satisfyingly baffling to a lot of people… ). It’s no more complicated than that really, I still love that song! I actually got to ask Randy Randall if it was OK that we used it at a No Age show in Liverpool, he seemed pretty stoked on the idea!

Who influences WCOLT?

We all listen to a lot of different music but there are certain bands and records that have been hugely important to us. Personally, Ampere, Circle Takes the Square, GY!BE, and Fall of Efrafa all demonstrate how to play heavy emotional music perfectly, I’ve never heard a more sincere record than Songs About Leaving by the slowcore band Carissa’s Wierd, and The Mountain Goats and Wye Oak are on heavy rotation in our living room. But recently we’ve spent endless hours obsessing over Woods of Desolation, Austere, Panopticon, Skagos, and other progressive black metal bands.

Lyrically we sing mostly about personal issues, but this record also sees us touch upon the stress and difficulties of being involved in a protest movement, an opposition to religion, and anti-fascism as an active pursuit. I know Si has been reading T.S Elliot which is incredibly inspiring too.

Go here to read the full chat.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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