
ZAO cancel April shows

4 mins read

ZAO has canceled two shows the band had scheduled in Nashville, TN and Morgantown, WV.

Guys have issued the following statement:

We don’t play a lot. We have known about our show at Stand Together Fest in Nashville since last fall and have been arranging the logicists or getting us there and trying to do more shows around it. We wanted to do MORE shows around it. Unfortunately, after everything was set (Van booked. Transport for the out of state members arranged. Set list decided.) we hit a major snag.
Without going into TOO many details, we have a personal health emergency in the band. That is all we are going to say on the matter. Nobody is dying, but it is serious enough that it became very clear, very quickly that the show could NOT happen. As much as we want to play, it was not worth putting that pressure on the induvidual or the band as a whole.
We hoped it would get better and set a very concrete deadline to see if it could still happen, sadly, that deadline has passed and it will not be doable.
We apologize to the people that went out of their way to make these shows happen both on our end personally and the promoters. We don’t play often, so having to cancel the only two shows we had booked for 2012 to this point has weight to it that is not lost on us. The bottom line, if we would have attempted to play these shows regardless and this issue came to a head, it WOULD have effectively killed the band.
Stand Together Fest is still happening. The guys setting it up have gone through a lot, and put a lot on the line to have us come play. I’m sure many of you are still planning on going, and you should. They worked really hard to make this show happen and hope to make it an annual event.
We have not heard back from 123 Pleasant street yet, but I would assume that show will still happen with the locals that were on the bill. Again, any venue that gives locals a voice is one you should support. So, go support the locals and keep music alive.
We are sorry that this and any plans for the immediate future are currently on hold until we feel comfortable moving on. Thank you for your continued support, and once this is situated on our end, we will do our best to get out on the pavement again as much as possible.

Here’s more:

To fans, promoters and fellow band members,
I am truly sorry to have been the catalyst in canceling our appearance at the shows this weekend. I apologize to the promoters who put their time and effort into setting up the shows and the massive headaches that accompany our canceling. I apologize to the fans who bought tickets, booked hotels, scheduled off work, bought plane tickets or made the drive (or were just generally looking forward to it). I apologize to the other bands involved for any inconvenience this has caused them. I apologize to my band mates who re arranged their schedules to travel and took the proper steps to ensure the trip would go smoothly. I have been looking forward to this for a long time, not only to get a chance to play live again but also the opportunity to travel, spend time with good friends and make new ones.
My decision to cancel the shows did not come easy. In fact it was a sickening burden (the decision that is). Trust me, I have suffered under the weight of my choice and I am receptive of your anger.
My reason for canceling is that for the last few weeks I have been feeling very sick mentally which in turn has begun to make me sick physically. The worse I get physically the worse I get mentally on so on and so on. It’s been a downward spiral. I knew the shows were coming and I honestly feel like I would have had a difficult time pulling my end of the performance off. On top of a lot of other symptoms I’ve also been fighting constant lightheadedness and headaches as well as some serious memory and focus issues. I’ve been seeing doctors now for a little over a week and I have started a prescription regiment for some of the issues and I have a upcoming appointment to have quite a number of blood tests done to help define and determine the finer details of my situation. I will keep you updated as I get new information.
What great timing our problems can have! I can barely concentrate, I feel like I’m shaking but I’m not, my face feels numb and my jaws are full of dead teeth, my heart is racing and my chest is burning under my skin. When I stand up I fight the urge to pass out and smash my face off the corner of the coffee table. Is my brain forgetting to tell my lungs to breathe? I’ve been trying to write this apology for five hours, unable to explain myself, or remember simple things.
Once again I am truly sorry to anyone who has been affected negatively in any way, we have always been a band that was no stranger to chaos and this is no exception,
-Daniel W.

P.S. There are a lot of amazing bands playing at the Stand Together Fest. Just because we’re not there it doesn’t mean it won’t be an amazing fest. Still tons of good bands playing! Go!

“I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he’s depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, “Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up.” Man bursts into tears. Says, “But doctor… I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. “-R

ZAO live:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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