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4 Ways Musicians Can Use the Internet to Make Them Famous

2 mins read

The internet has changed the music industry for the better – that’s a fact. We all know how major record labels can make any artist famous, with or without talent. But since we’re already living in a different age, music artists don’t have to rely on these big labels and producers to be known. In fact, many music artists in the past few years have had a lot of success through their own efforts, and the internet has played a big part.

In this article, we’ll be sharing four different ways musicians can take advantage of the internet to make them famous. All you’ll need is patience, hard work, a little creativity, and a fast internet connection – whether it’s cable, fiber, or satellite internet. Let’s start!

1.      Start with social media.

Social media platforms have millions of users every single day. That’s one of the major reasons why it has become the biggest marketing platform out there. We all know how powerful social media algorithms are, so once you go viral, it’s like you’ve hit the jackpot because chances are, many people will listen to your music and look for more – which may increase your following base.

Social media marketing is a simple yet challenging method to market your music. It is simple because anyone can do it, basically. You just need to upload content, increase your online visibility, and hope for the best. However, it is challenging in a sense that you’re competing with millions, if not billions, of content every day.

You need to post content regularly to stay relevant, and you can only do that if you have a reliable internet connection at home or in your studio. If you don’t have that yet, we recommend checking out Boost Infinite Plans or something to that level because a stable internet connection is very important for uploading high-quality content consistently.

2.      Focus on the content quality, not quantity.

Alright, many social media marketers might come at us for this, but it’s actually true. While quantity is important in a sense that the more you post, the relevant you become – it still boils down to the quality of content you provide. As you probably noticed, many pages are only stealing and repurposing videos across Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and more.

As a musician, you need to focus on the quality of content you upload because whatever they see on your page is a reflection of what you are as an artist. So even if it takes a bit more time to produce content, that’s totally fine as long as what you upload is quality content.

3.      Host live streams often.

Fans love watching live streams because it’s a chance to connect with the artist directly. If you have enough followers, consider hosting live streams as often as possible. It could be whenever you want – while practicing, eating, resting, or just chilling. Doing this will allow you to connect to your followers/fans on a personal level. However, when doing this, you will need high-speed internet like Dish Network Internet and other established internet plans. Hosting live streams is bandwidth-extensive, and your followers won’t enjoy your stream if you keep disconnecting or lagging.

4.      Try using paid advertising.

Organic growth is definitely the best way to go. However, if you want to give your marketing effort a little bit of push, you can try paid advertising. Most platforms offer paid advertising options, and they can be very effective in reaching a wider audience. You don’t have to do this continuously, just enough to grow your followers and engagement. After that, just focus again on organic growth.

The Bottom Line

Being a musician has its own set of challenges, especially if you’re just starting out. But don’t worry because with these tips, you should be able to at least see progress in building your fanbase and growing your music career. And while the internet is a powerful tool that can help you, it is still your talent and passion that will lead you to success. Good luck, and we hope to listen to your music soon!





Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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