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Photo by RDNE Stock project

6 Things Every Indie Artist Should Keep in Mind for Music Success

3 mins read

Being an independent artist in today’s generation is slightly easier than before. Alright, before you throw hands, let us explain why we were able to come up with that conclusion. Many years ago, most music artists who got fame and success were those signed up to major record labels – but that’s before. With the internet and social media, it created a level playing field where independent artists can compete with established music artists.

If you’re still starting out or have been in the industry for quite some time waiting for your big break, we’ve got some tips can help you become a successful music artist. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find your name and your music on major streaming services soon. Let’s start!

1.      You have to be patient.

You probably know this already before you decided to become an indie artist. However, there are many people who can get discouraged easily because they don’t see any progress in what they’re doing or because they’re not getting the so-called fame they want to achieve. You have to remember that building a music career takes time. For many artists in the industry, it took them a lot of years to get where they are today, and even then, success isn’t guaranteed.

2.      Be your most creative self.

People have been listening to many artists, so they will look for something new on the table. That’s why you have to be creative and unique in this industry. For some artists, mimicking how popular music artists have helped them be discovered by many people – and honestly, it’s a smart strategy. However, it might be harder for you to be known for your own name if that’s the case. That’s why we highly recommend you to become as creative as possible.

Be genuine, be raw, be weird, and be someone people will remember. So when people are connected to their wireless service and browsing through the web, when they hear you, they’ll remember you and start following you if they like your content.

3.      Stop comparing.

The music industry is extremely competitive, so it is not for the weak. There will be days when you will find yourself comparing to indie artists who started around the same time as you but seem so far already progress-wise. It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison trap, which can get very frustrating. But always remember that your career and their careers are different. To avoid this, just make sure to celebrate every small wins and just focus on your goal.

4.      Invest in social media marketing.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, social media is the biggest marketing platform right now. And by investing, we don’t mean hiring an entire team of social media experts and exhausting all your funds. You can do this yourself by creating and growing your page or account organically. For this, you will need a fast connection like fiber internet so you can do this successfully. Just post content on your page – it could be a snippet of your song, a song cover, or a video of you singing. You can also boost your posts through paid advertisements or promotions if you have extra budget.

5.      Get out there and be known.

If you don’t make an effort to make people listen to your music, you won’t achieve music success. That’s why outside the internet, you have to go outside, play music for people, and hope people will remember you every single time you perform. There are many ways to do this – gigs, busking, open mic nights, and even just playing on the street. The more you perform, the more likely you are to build a following and get noticed.

6.      Practice and refine your skills.

As a music artist, there is always room for improvement. Even the legends of the music industry keep practicing and improving their skills because music is something that requires constant honing. The more you practice, the better you will be, and your fans and even co-artists will love you for it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new music styles and techniques and step out of your comfort zone.

Final Thoughts

Being an indie artist doesn’t mean you won’t be successful in the music industry. In fact, you people have been bringing some of the best music out there. Indie artists make the industry innovative and diverse, which is what we all need to be honest. So while you’re here, we just want to say that we look forward to hearing your music soon. Good luck!

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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