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Philadelphia’s post-hardcore pioneers DRILL FOR ABSENTEE share new compilation of recordings

1 min read

FONORADAR label brings a blast from the past with Circle Music + 4, a carefully curated compilation of DRILL FOR ABSENTEE’s rare and unreleased material. This new offering marks a reintroduction to one of Philadelphia’s post-hardcore pioneers. If you’re into bands like REGULATOR WATTS, UNWOUND, or JUNE OF 44, DRILL FOR ABSENTEE deserves a listen.


Originally formed in the mid-90s, DFA was part of the post-hardcore underground scene, but their catalog remained thin—something the band aims to fix with this release. Circle Music + 4 gathers material from their sparse discography, combining their 1997 debut 7″, their Circle Music EP from 1998, and previously unreleased tracks. It’s all about capturing that moment in time while adding a few modern twists.

You get the classics—the raw, noisy tension of “Drown In Words,” recorded during their original 7″ sessions, and the entire Circle Music EP. But the real gem here is “The Sea is Watching,” a track that bridges the past and present, blending a bass line recorded in 1999 with new percussion by Ken Kuniyoshi, DFA’s current drummer.


What makes this release even more special is the approach. This isn’t just a reissue—this is an ode to the band’s unfinished work, polished and shaped by time but still holding onto its DIY roots. Everything’s been meticulously mastered by Bob Weston, and the whole compilation is pressed on a limited 180-gram vinyl, with only 200 copies available.

DRILL FOR ABSENTEE reformed in 2021 with the intention to record one song. That idea snowballed, leading to the release of The Strand of a Lake in 2022, and now, Circle Music + 4 brings their legacy back into the conversation. It’s more than just post-hardcore nostalgia—it’s the continuation of a sound that never got the attention it deserved.

This release does justice to the history while bringing in new energy. A perfect mix of gritty, emotional past and fresh sonic experimentation.

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Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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