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“BANE x BUDAPEST” documentary premiere!

3 mins read

After a last minute teaser on December 21st, IDIOTEQ is proud to team up with Gergő Ofner from Hungary to give you a full documentary on BANE, their connection to Budapest and their break-up right in time of their 20th anniversary as a band! The Massachusetts hardcore band showed astounding talent and passion in every aspect of their work and kept their values close to their hearts, influencing many to never forget about the importance of message in music.

Photo by Pozsonyi Roland.

BANE have just wraped up their final European tour and are aboout to unveil the details of their farewell trek in North America this coming Spring! Even though speculation on their pulling it together for a reunion began almost immediately following their final tours announcement (many hardcore groups have hit the road again not too long after disbanding), there is no such dream scenario in this case.

The following video is one of the finest goodbyes documenting the legacy of BANE, their unique style and their impact on young communities, as well as the whole modern hardcore movement that simply can not be understated. Watch it below and share with your friends!

My story is a typical tale of a hardcore kid. At 16, being angry with most of the things in life, I went to see GALLOWS on a ship here in Budapest. I don’t remember much of that night, but I do remember the feeling I had when this band which I’ve never heard of came on stage, the vocalist with the funny bears on his shirt started screaming “can we start again?”, and the people went crazy. From the inside of the ship I didn’t feel it moving, but I’m pretty sure that they almost made it sink.
After listening to hardcore for 3-4 years, I realised that most of the bands can be catagorized in some ways (which is not necessarily a bad thing), but BANE can’t be. The scale of emotions and topics they reach is something that should be taught when creating art. The amount of times they helped me (and many others) with their music is something I’ll always be thankful for.
Being a film student, when they shared that they would play their final European show here in Budapest, I knew I had to make some sort of a film about it. Here it is. I guess this is my way of saying thank you.

BANE released their final album  in 2014. “Don’t Wait Up” marked their first full length offering in 8 years and was released in cooperation with Equal Vision Records and End Hits Records:

The band commented:

Just over a year ago, Bane started saying our goodbye’s. What a journey it has been.
South America kicked it off, next came the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong . Followed by Australia and Japan. Places and times that we will forever hold close. Rafael, Kennet, Riz, Mawds and Crowe, Daiki, and every friend and fan who came out and stood by us along the way, we miss you already and will be forever grateful.

Now we stand at the end of our final European tour, seven weeks and 25 countries. Saying goodbye night after night doesn’t get any easier. It is such a strange thing having something we discussed as an idea on how we wanted to walk away from this all, becoming more of a reality every day. The emotions that come along with all of this. But it is what we set out to do and we have to stay strong and continue.

To Marco, Ivonne, Mekk and the Avocado crew. Thank you for your tireless effort and commitment. Yura, Nadav and Kids Insane crew, Dimitris, Zoltan, Code Orange, Backtrack, Wolf Down, Tausend Löwen unter Feinden, Vladimir, and lastly, each and every one of you who traveled, hung out, sang along, smiled, cried and hugged us close, thank you for being a part of what has been the most fulfilling adventure of our lives.

But this is not over just yet.

January 2-3 we will celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Worcester Massachusetts, inside the same room that held our very first show. In February we will say, farewell to Mexico. Then in March-May 2016, as winter turns to spring, we will embark on our final tour as a band. It will take us through the United States and select cities in Canada. The details are being cooked up as I type this, and we will be announcing the dates any day now. It’s going to be a good one and it’s going to be a sad one.

We are well and truly out of our comfort-zone right now, goodbyes and fanfare and letting go of this enormous chunk of our lives. There are 1,000 cliche’s that we can type here, each of them feels more empty than the last.

We followed our hearts, trusted in our emotions and the end has rushed to our doorstep much too quickly, but we really are going to try to make the most of and enjoy every last detail of these final few pages..

To each and every one of you who is coming out to be a part of it all, pulling us through and making the end feel survivable, we must (we must, we must..)

thank you.

The boys in Bane

GO HERE to browse through dozens of previous stories on BANE!

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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