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BLACK BREATH guitarist talks about the band’s new album

1 min read

Blow the Scene recently sat down for an interview with BLACK BREATH guitarist Eric Wallace, who talks about the band’s just-released second album “Sentenced to Life”.

In regards to the songwriting process of the record, Wallace states:

For this record, it was a little different than the two prior recordings. I keep using the word “rushed,” but I hate that word. We jammed more productivity into a shorter span of time on this recording. So basically, we had from the end of our first European tour which ended in late November or December of 2010, up until the middle of March when we started recording. We basically had that time to write everything. We sort of had some stuff ready, some songs ready to go or close, but we threw most of them out and pretty much started fresh after that. Basically the process is different people bring different riffs or song ideas to practice. This recording was more or less split fifty-fifty between me and our drummer Jamie, we wrote the majority of the riffs. Whoever has the ideas will bring them to practice and everyone will get together and usually it’s in the middle of the night, cause we’re getting done evening shifts. So usually we’re starting practice around midnight or one in the morning. We come up with stuff and jam out ideas. We usually all come up with stuff, that whoever had the original idea would never have thought of, so at that point it becomes very collective.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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