New Music

Brutal metallers HUMAN HELL drop new single; share top 10 tracks to inspire their sheer force

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HUMAN HELL just dropped their new single ‘Amalantrah’ and today we celebrate its brutal force with the band’s Top 10 Tracks That Inspired HUMAN HELL Special below! The new jam is the first from the bands upcoming EP and showcases a darker sound than anything the band has previously written. ‘Amalantrah’ is complimented by a dark and bleak music video. Human Hell have upcoming shows with Monasteries, Gassed Up, RXPTRS, From Sorrow To Serenity and Immerse, with plenty more being booked for the remainder of 2021. The upcoming EP focusses on occult and dark subject matter.

“The only guarantee in life is death. Absolute finality. Void in rest. Terra firma, Firmly in terror. An error. Mother Earth Died in childbirth. Of our new era”

Human Hell

10 tracks that inspire Human Hell

1. Beast – The Acacia Strain

Classic top shelf Deathcore. The album Wormwood that this song is from, every song is about something really fucked up. This fucking world is an ugly place, But we all die with a smile on our face :)

2. Demiurge – Meshuggah

The riff that keeps on giving from the band that needs no introduction. We’re all pretty big on Meshuggah, old and new. But there’s something primal about the slow chugging riffs in this song. Absolute neck breaker!

3. Unanswered – suicide silence (ft. Phil bozeman)

This video is just a match made in hell. Suicide silence and Phil Bozeman from Whitechapel! That guy makes some demonic sounds. We even play this song in the practice room!

4. Thankless – conjurer

If you haven’t heard Conjurer yet, you will. We totally idolise Conjurer for the music they’ve released, they have had a really good run off their album The Mire and we’re really happy to see they’ve been in the studio! Can’t wait for new music!

5. Language part 1 and 2 – The Contortionist

To us, The Contortionist can not put a foot wrong. They have changed their sound with each new album they’ve put out. But this 9 minute, two-part epic is pure prog heaven.

6. Demolisher – Slaughter To Prevail

From the start the slamming drums punch you in the face, the dope riffs make your ears bleed. But the stand out has got to be opening the pits of hell just before the breakdown, chanting Russian in the most evil voice ever recorded.

7. The box – The Last Ten Seconds Of Life

Think outside the box…
This song was an instant inspiration vocally. The diction preserved amongst the guttural noise congeals into the most aggressive vocal parts I’d ever heard.

8. Mordial – Car Bomb

Car bomb are a band we took a lot of inspiration from when HH were in the studio. They have this horrible/amazing guitar tone that resembles the idle sound of a diesel motor. We took a lot from that and instead opted for more of a chainsaw sound. Check out the madness of Car Bomb here…

9. Earthless – Humanities Last Breath

The strange ominous sound from the beginning is an interesting theme. This mixed with an absolutely crushing guitar tone, odd timed breakdowns creates an insanely evil atmosphere and if you watch the video it will definitely give you nightmares.

10. Längstmedån – Vildhjarta

The Thall gods. Vildhjarta and Humanities Last Breath have some of the same members and them dudes have a vibe no one can come close to, maybe it’s the Arctic circle, they live in darkness for half the year? Not sure if it’s true but it definitely explains the dark music. It’s indescribable, if you’ve never heard this band before this is the perfect time to get into them as were set to hear new stuff very soon.

Human Hell

HUMAN HELL premiered their debut single “Misery” in February 2020:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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