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Croatian post hardcore band DEAD DOG SUMMER release vinyl edition of memorable debut album “A Place of Someday”

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Dead Dog Summer

In a fresh wave of the post-hardcore scene, Croatian band Dead Dog Summer has announced the vinyl release of their debut album, “A Place of Someday”, premiered last year on IDIOTEQ, alongside an in-depth interview with the band. The trio, who made their entrance into the digital music world in September 2022, are relatively new to the European hardcore stage. However, the band members carry a rich history of over 25 years in the scene, having been involved in other bands, writing fanzines, and organizing concerts.

Dead Dog Summer, which comprises Igor Bistrovic on guitars and vocals, Kreso Zerjav on bass, and Boris Stahija on drums, have already made their mark through several live performances in Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Serbia. The band’s album also includes two video releases for the songs ‘Diamonds and Thorns’ and ‘Sometimes’.

“A Place of Someday” presents an eclectic mix of post-hardcore, punk, mid-nineties emo, screamo, and more, distilled into ten tracks that play for under 40 minutes. The band undertook the recording of the album themselves, with mixing accomplished by Ivan Jakic at Kut Sobe studio in Zagreb, Croatia.

Dead Dog Summer

Written predominantly during the pandemic, “A Place of Someday” served as an escape from the mundanity of life under lockdown for the band. The enforced isolation provided ample time for introspection and exploration of personal experiences, desires, and challenges, elements that shine through in the album’s lyricism. According to the band, the title of the album encapsulates the essence of longing for an ideal place, emphasizing the importance of seizing life proactively rather than worrying about potential external judgment.

The vinyl release of “A Place of Someday” fulfills the band’s desire to possess a physical copy of their album, a nod to their early days of enjoying music on tapes, records, and CDs. Fans can order the vinyl through the band’s Bandcamp page or stream the album on all major digital platforms.

Dead Dog Summer

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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