New Music

CROWNED KINGS streaming their new album!

1 min read

Melbourne heavyweights from CROWNED KINGS have launched a full stream of their new album “Forked Roads”, available via Demons Run Amok and in Australia via 10-54! CROWNED KINGS keeps it quite simple and follows their own formula of old school influenced metal/hardcore hybrid, stayin’ true to their roots and the kind of groovy, blood pumping hardcore that makes you crush things and gets you moving, even though its slightly exhausting attributes.

Crowned Kings are a ‘straight up’ “Heavy Riff” hardcore band, consisting of five guys from the city of Melbourne, Australia. The band grew with fast momentum, around early 2010. With shows being out of control and a strong and loyal following being built. They hit the stage supporting local acts such as Mindsnare, Samsara, Deez Nutz, Miles Away – just to name a few.

Within a year of the bands existence Crowned Kings have managed to revive the ‘machine’ of aggressive riffs and in your face lyrics. 2012 saw Crowned Kings release their first full length record “Wise Guy” followed by a full Australian tour which has resulted in many International support bills for bands such as Terror, Bitter End, Slapshot, Strength Approach, Backtrack, Bloodshed Remains and Thick as Blood. The following year 2013 lead Crowned Kings through Asia on their first international tour, playing and sharing their passion and love for their music, playing 13 shows and hitting 7 countries within 3 weeks.

This year has brought forward the next chapter, seeing them head over to Los Angeles to record and work with producer and drummer Nick Jett (Terror) who has produced and recorded acts such as Backtrack (Darker Half), Terror (Live By The Code), Strife (Witness a Rebirth), Rotting Out (The Wrong Way), Lionheart (Undisputed), Down To Nothing (Life on the James), Donnybrook (The Beast Inside). Their second full length album “Forked Road” has been mastered by Matt Hyde, who has also mastered such bands as Terror, No Warning, Hatebreed, Parkway Drive and Slayer. Dre “Donnybrook” is featured on guest vocals.

With more heavier and Old School Metal influences crossed with Crowned Kings aggressive brand of hardcore “Forked Road” is set to see them off to endless new heights in 2015 and beyond. Crowned Kings will be heavily touring nationally and internationally to spread the word and their own brand of heavy no-nonsense crunch style hardcore, and will be looking to establish the Crowned Kings name and music worldwide.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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