Fiddlehead by Deanie Chen
Fiddlehead by Deanie Chen
New Music

Death Is Nothing To Us – FIDDLEHEAD’s resonant journey through grief and grind

2 mins read

From Boston’s gritty streets, Fiddlehead delivers a riveting third act, “Death Is Nothing To Us,” making waves in the crowded ocean of post-hardcore. They’re not just banging out tracks; they’re telling stories, piecing together a sonic novel that explores the labyrinth of mortality and memory.

It’s clear from the get-go: this isn’t a one-note record. Diving in, you’re swept into an aural journey that whiplashes between hardcore grit and those unexpected, goosebump-inducing melodies. It’s like chasing a storm and finding a rainbow — unexpected, but oh-so-welcome.

Fiddlehead’s sophomore album, Between The Richness, drew praise from fans and critics alike and saw the band unexpectedly becoming one of the most vital groups in rock music today. Now on Death Is Nothing To Us, vocalist Pat Flynn delves deeper than ever into the nuances of loss and sadness, but his deeply vulnerable approach is exhilarating and often even joyous in its humanity. The album offers Fiddlehead’s most dynamic set of songs to date, with every track pushing further into the melodic and aggressive poles of their sound, all while Flynn tackles difficult existential themes with an open-heartedness that comes through in every word.

“I don’t want people to romanticize grief and depression, myself included,” he explains. “But I wanted to write about the way loss can perpetuate this feeling of sadness in your life. I didn’t intend to make some kind of thematic trilogy but there is this connection to the first two records, and this album sort of rounds out some of the stages of grief that weren’t addressed previously–especially this feeling of stickiness that a depressive attitude can have.”

The lyrics on Death Is Nothing To Us attempt to reject the allure of sorrow with a deftness and intensity that’s matched by Fiddlehead’s music, creating one of the most undeniably compelling albums you’ll here this year.

Fiddlehead by Pooneh Ghana
Fiddlehead by Pooneh Ghana

With Justice Tripp throwing in his flair, it’s a sonic exploration of subcultures, diving deep into the love, loss, and lunacy of the music scene.

Collaborations with talents like Chris Teti add an intriguing layer, a sprinkle of zest to an already flavorful dish. And while some might brush it off as ‘too intense’ or ‘overly emotional,’ that’s exactly where Fiddlehead’s magic lies.


So, what’s the takeaway from “Death Is Nothing To Us”? It’s not just music. It’s an experience, a cathartic scream into the void, an embrace of the chaotic tapestry of life and death. Fiddlehead isn’t here to play it safe. They’re tearing down the rulebook, offering up an album that’s a gutsy, raw, and soul-bearing testament to the human experience. Dive in, and let it sweep you away.

The band is currently on tour in Australia, the US, and UK. All upcoming dates below.

Upcoming Shows:

08/23 Brisbane, Australia @ The Zoo
08/25 Sydney, Australia @ Crowbar
08/26 Melbourne, Australia @ Howler

09/22 Boston, MA @ Royale #
09/23 New York, NY @ Webster Music Hall &
09/28 Chicago, IL @ Metro ^
09/29 Toledo, OH @ Ottawa Tavern $
09/30 Detroit, MI @ Edgemen $

10/01 Toronto, ON @ Lee’s Palace $
10/06 San Francisco, CA @ Great American Music Hall *
10/07 Los Angeles, CA @ Ukrainian Culture Center *
10/08 Ojai, CA @ Ojai Women’s Club *

02/17 Glasgow, UK @ Room 2 ~
02/18 Newcastle, UK @ The Cluny ~
02/19 Manchester, UK @ Canvas ~
02/20 Nottingham, UK @ Rescue Rooms ~
02/21 Bristol, UK @ Thekla ~
02/22 Southampton @ The Loft ~
02/23 London, UK @ The Garage ~
02/24 London, UK @ The Garage ~

& w/ Never Ending Game, Praise, Mary Jane Dunphe
# w/ Never Ending Game, Praise, Ankle Biter, Downtalker
$ w/ Restraining Order, GUMM
^ w/ Buggin’, Lifeguard, Restraining Order)
* w/ Fury, Kumo 99

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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