After performing at this year’s Mongolian Playtime Festival earlier this month, Japan’s post rock / post hardcore legends from ENVY have booked a couple of Japanese shows, including 3 shows with TOUCHE AMORE, who their shared American stages with back in September and October 2010! The Deathwish Inc. signees have a couple of European shows scheduled for mid-August (go here to see the full listing of their upcoming live gigs).
2014.08.16 TOKYO @ 晴海客船ターミナル特設ステージ / CRAFTROCK FESTIVAL ’14
2014.09.13 TOKYO @ LIQUIDROOM / w : downy / LIQUIDROOM 10th ANNIVERSARY / OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00 / ADV ¥3,500 (ドリンク別)/ TICKET:7月12日〜 チケットぴあ(Pコード:236-611)、ローソ / (Lコード:74152)、イープラス、ディスクユニオン(お茶の水駅前店/新宿本館(BF)/下北沢店/吉祥寺店/高田馬場店/渋谷パンク・ヘヴィメタル館/新宿パンクマーケット)、リキッドルーム / *イープラス・プレオーダー 6月21日(土)12:00~30日(月)18:00 /
2014.10.11 TOKYO @ 日比谷野外大音楽堂 / 変わるものと変わらぬもの volume.08 / w : toe / 開場開演:17:00 / 17:45 / チケット / ◎先行早割:指定¥3,000(税込)/ *URL : / *先行期間:7/16(水)12:00〜7/
2014.10.24、25、26 BOROFESTA 2014 / KYOTO @ 京都KBSホール / METRO / BOROFESTA 2014 / 出演日、会場は後日発表
2014.10.23 NAGOYA @ 池下 CLUB UPSET / w : TOUCHE AMORE / OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00 / 前売 ¥4,000 / 当日 未定 (ドリンク代別)/ 問い合わせ : CLUB UPSET 052-763-5439 / TICKET : 8月2日 / 土)〜 / ぴあ(P:238-906)、ローソン(L:40524)、e+、会場 / 総合問い合わせ : Daymare Recordings / /
2014.10.24 OSAKA @ 心斎橋 PANGEA / w : TOUCHE AMORE / OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00 / 前売 ¥4,000 / 当日 未定 (ドリンク代別) / 問い合わせ : PANGEA 06-4708-0061 / TICKET : 8月2日(土)〜 / ぴあ(P:238-752)、ローソン(L:58357)、e+、会場 / 総合問い合わせ : Daymare Recordings / /
2014.10.26 TOKYO @ 代官山 UNIT / w : TOUCHE AMORE / OPEN 16:20 / START 17:00 / 前売 ¥4,500 / 当日 未定 (ドリンク代別)/ 問い合わせ : UNIT 03-5459-8630 / TICKET : 8月2日(土) / ぴあ(P:238-946)、ローソン(L:77734)、e+
Formed in 1992 with an average age of 15 years old, Envy began as a blistering punk quintet, whipping violent riffs into frantic bursts that rarely cracked the two-minute mark. Their inexhaustible exploration of new sounds and ideas would lead them to incorporate strains of a experimental noise, subtle ambience, and triumphant, cinematic rock. Invariable Will, Recurring Ebbs and Flows is a limited-edition super-deluxe box set that collects every song ever recorded by Envy (95 songs in total) across 14 vinyl LPs, all remastered for vinyl in 2013. Each record is housed in its own full-color jacket, featuring all new artwork. Also included is a brand new, previously unreleased 100-minute DVD, a DVD data disk packed with all 95 songs in high-quality MP3 format, and a 100-page coffee table book featuring dozens of exclusive photos, plus lyrics to every Envy song, transcribed in both Japanese and English languages. The entire mind-blowing package is housed in a sturdy custom outer box – printed on a custom reflective metallic foil board. Strictly limited to 1,000 copies, Invariable Will is a monument to one of underground music’s most enigmatic bands, and a celebration of their unfettered brilliance. / Temporary Residence