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We conducted this short interview with Los Angeles, CA hardcore band CREATURES on December 27, 2011.


Guys, thank you so much for taking this interview. Please, introduce yourself. 

Stephen, Kyle, Madison, Mike, and Keith.

What are your favourite and least favourite aspects of living in Southern California?


– Pros: good music, a lot of cool things/places nearby.
– Cons: no wawa.

Let’s talk a little bit about your new album, “Vesuvius”. Tell us something more about the title and the idea behind it? Can you discuss the lyrics behind it?


“Vesuvius” is100% for us. Lyrics in “Stepped On” showcase it perfectly: “Stepped on, betrayed, I defy you.” We’ve had people walk all over us and try to push us down, whether it was band-related or in our personal lives, and this is a soundtrack of barbaric triumph. The name “Vesuvius” was chosen because it conveys aural destruction, akin to the ruins of Pompeii.

Could you tell us more about the recording process?

Kyle and Madison:

The Record was written over the course of the last two years, and we recorded analog with Jack Shirley at Atomic Garden from September 9th, 2011 until September 12th, 2011. We then had it mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side music.

This joint is one hell of a dark material. Have you been planning to deliver such a heavy hammer? [laughs]


I think that when we wrote music for this band, we are naturally inclined to make it sound dark and heavy. For this record, we wrote songs that we would be stoked on if we listened back to them. I like them a lot. If other people like them, that is pretty cool.

You are teaming up with WITHDRAWAL for a tour in January. How do you know the band?


We toured together in 2009. It was our first time touring in Canada and their first time touring the States. They are a great band and I am excited to get the opportunity to tour with them again.

Are you planning to tour Europe in 2012?


Europe has been in the works for us several times, and for some reason, it always falls through. I’m hoping everything will come together this summer, and that we’ll be able to get over there for the first time.

Do you have any festivals booked in for next year?


None at this time.

What’s your relationship like with your label mates from Twelve Gauge Records?


The only band we’ve really played with and talked to so far is SABERTOOTH ZOMBIE, and they are rad. I think it’s great that Jihad is putting out records by bands that he is personally excited about, regardless of whether they will sell a lot of records or something like that.

What’s your favourite music format? How do you listen to music?

Madison and Kyle:

Vinyl sounds the best, but mp3’s are most convenient.

Where have you been traveling? What countries have you been to?


CREATURES has played in Canada and across most of the continental US.

What are you most looking forward to in the future as a band?


Honestly, for a while I wasn’t even sure if this record would ever get released or that we would ever tour again. So the fact that both of those are happening is amazing to me. Hopefully we get the opportunity to play new places this year, but I’m really happy with where we’re at right now. This band met and surpassed my expectations long ago.

Thank you so much. Feel free to tell people anything you want.


2012 will consist of more CREATURES shows. Crush the tyrants. Support Twelve Gauge records.


CREATURES – “Vesuvius” is available for your listening pleasure:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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