

1 min read

Dear IDIOTEQ readers!

We have 1 double ticket for the upcoming REEL BIG FISHPILFERS and DAN P gig at Irving Plaza in New York City on this Monday, January 28th, 2013!

Get regular payable tickets at this location.

Enter to have a chance to win:

LEAVE A COMMENT below this post and SHARE this entry (click the “like” button to the left).

All entries must be submitted by January 27th, 2013, 23:59 PM CET / 17:59 AM EST (New York City).

reel big fish

The show is a part of their current US trek:
January 5th House of Blues Downtown Disney Anaheim, CA
January 6th the Regency Ballroom San Francisco, CA
January 9th Belly Up Tavern Aspen, CO
January 10th Gothic Theatre Englewood, CO
January 11th Fox Theatre Boulder, CO
January 12th Aggie Theatre Fort Collins, CO
January 13th Bourbon Theatre Lincoln, NE
January 15th The Pageant St. Louis, MO
January 14th Granada Theatre Lawrence, KS
January 16th Blue Moose Tap House Iowa City, IA
January 17th the Rave Milwaukee, WI
January 18th the Castle Theatre Bloomington, IL
January 19th Mill City Nights Minneapolis, MN
January 20th Majestic Theatre Madison, WI
January 22nd Saint Andrews Hall Detroit, MI
January 23rd Altar Bar Pittsburgh, PA
January 24th House of Blues Cleveland, OH
January 25th Phoenix Concert Theatre Toronto, ONT
January 28th Irving Plaza New York, NY
January 30th 9:30 Club Washington, D.C.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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