
Friendship and trust – a look inside London hardcore DIY label Mark My Words

6 mins read

Not so long after our recent features for Polish hardcore packs RADIANCE & BLACK PALATE, Dutch hardcore band NOT IN THIS LIFETIME and just in time for the new offerings from 90s metalcore acts FIRST FIGHT DOWN and xEDENISGONEx, we’re pleased to share this new insight into Mark My Words Records, a DIY metallic hardcore / metalcore record label from London, UK! We have teamed up with its owner Patrick and discussed his backgrounds, what goes into running a hardcore label, as well as some of its worthile releases!

‘Revelation:Extinction’ LP by FIRST FIGHT DOWN is out now on Bound By Modern Age Records (Germany), Rage Records (UK), Born Annoying Records (Belgium) and Mark My Words Records (UK). Debut demo from xEDENISGONEx (for fans of Arkangel, Reprisal, Sunrise, First Fight Down) is coming out soon on MMW Records.

MMW Records!

Hi Patrick! How are you buddy? How’s London?

Hey. First – thx for giving ma a chance to talk about some stuff on your great page. I’m OK. Just closed that busy for me 2016 year. Did many releases, recorded some stuff with my own band and gained many more experience as a parent. Sometimes it’s hard but luckily everything is going the way i want.

How`s London? Sad, rainy and foggy. Nothing changed here hehe.

We’ve just posted about your new addition, RADIANCE! How did you guys team up?

Yeah, RADIANCE its definitively one of my favorite band right now. My old good friend told me about them and said that they are recording something.

Straight away i did contact them and i think after one message we had a deal. Now we are all good friends and looking forward to work together again in the future.

This band has a potential and I’ll try to do my best to spread the word about them everywhere around world. So please if you have a chance – check them out!!!


The records on MMW all share similar characteristics and makes sense together. What is the common thread between all of the artists from your roster?

Ooh well. I was growing up on bands like this, bands representing exactly same style like the ones from MMW Family. Mostly members from these bands are 30 plus and I know some of them for quite long. We understand each others. We love same music, same bands etc. After few releases I have decided that I’ll continue this way and luckily I have enough bands around which are interested to work with me. I think this is very important for label to have own style so people will know what to expect form new releases and they will not be disappointed when they buy a CD. Not only music but as well lyrics.

How do you go about finding new bands?

Like I said before – I know few people which are playing in bands and offered them help. I’m not here to get rich – I’m here to help them. I think hardcore is all about this. Friendship and trust. Lots of friends as well recommending me some bands and other way – recommending me to bands – and I’m happy with this. They know what I like so it`s easy for them.

Cool. So what releases have you got planned in the coming months and the upcoming year?

As you know – I’ve just released BLACK PALATES debut demo CD – check them out if you like some good 90s metallic guitars and Cleveland style.


There is few releases on which I`m working right now especially one for which I was waiting quite long – FIRST FIGHT DOWN from Netherlands. It’s a killer. They are here since 1997 and still representing best nineties metalcore (ARKANGEL, REPRISAL, FROM THE DYING STYLE fans will love this album). Apart that there will be new XDEVOURX from Belgium – something for fans of good old edge-metal. Gonna do as well EP compilation for STOLEAWAY from USA (new band – STRONGARM, SHAI HULUD fans gonna get crazy about them), HEARTFELT from Belgium are planning to record few new songs and I`m talking to Renounced about some project too. So yeah looks like I’m gonna be busy enough for next few months.

Ok, so let’s learn a bit more about you buddy. What is your personal background in the hardcore scene?

Ha! When I was younger I did few things but not big enough I’m afraid. I did few issues of one zine called New Noise, played in few small hardcore bands. But that was long time ago. After long break from not doing anything apart going to shows and buying records I have decided that it’s time to do something more. So now I have this small label and im playing in band as well – ABSORPTION (we have debut CDEP on MMW as well )

How did MMW label get its start?

I was planning to start a small independent label for some time. Just couldn’t motivate myself to do this. Luckily my good friend Joost (drummer from FIRST FIGHT DOWN) who knew that this is sitting in my head – asked me if I wanna do a CD for FFDs new album. Ofc I said yes. He said – get the name and we can do this. So yeah – I did 10 releases since that and not the FFDs one hehehe. But it’s coming out any time now!! I’m a big CD lover. Have many in my collection so there was no other option than doing everything on CD. I love 90s and CDs are 90s – do we need any more explanation? hehe

How do you go about records’ formats? Which one is the easiest to produce and what formats do you focus on?

Like I said before – I do only CDs. It’s so easy today to make them. Tapes probably as well but I’m not big fan of tapes. Vinyls are amazing ofc but I`m leaving this for other labels. Few my bands did CD with me and vinyls with other record labels which is fine. As long this will help them to get to even more people then why not? I have few friendly/brother labels which are doing tapes or vinyl releases and I`m always recommending them to bands if they are after another format.

MMR records 09.2016

Would you say your sales come predominantly from live gigs or rather digital channels of distribution?

Mostly I’m selling all my stuff online. I do know many good record stores/distros which are happy to take my stuff and are helping with selling that in their countries. Good Life Rec in Belgium, FWH Rec. and BoundByModernAge in Germany, Retribution NERDS, ISHIZUE in Japan and many more. I do sell sometimes at the shows as well but not that many like online.

What’s been the hardest part of running a label for you so far?

I think start was the worst thing. Didn’t know how everything will go and as well didn’t have many contacts etc. Now label slowly moving forward. There are a couple things which are coming to my head right now and those things annoying me all the time. First – some bands are so lazy with answering their email or msgs hehe and second thing – space. Don’t have enough space at home for all this stuff. Few releases coming now so my wife is not gonna be happy hehe. So please help me here and buy some old stuff so i can get a space for new ones 

MMR records

What’s something you would love to do with Mark My Words?

Hmm. More split releases with different labels from different parts of the world. I love doing this. This can help labels and bands with promoting their stuff and will bring more new friends ofc. Another thing – gig under MMW name with bands only from label. Maybe one day when I get some free time and energy to do this 

Finally, what stimulates your drive for running this label? What’s the goal?

Friends, hardcore, fun and my love to this music. All mixed together. I’m really enjoying this and don’t wanna change it for now.

What`s the goal? To be honest I don’t have any. Be more recognizable in the hardcore world and start releasing all CDs in bigger amounts? I wouldn’t mind.

And I wish you that sincerely! Thanks for your time and good luck. Cheers from Warsaw!

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Mark My Words Records Facebook

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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