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Gritty stoner rockers CRAETOR drop new doom infused EP “Surrender”

1 min read

Hailing from Western MA, Craetor is a three-piece stoner-rock band that skillfully weaves together elements of psych, doom, and metal into a tapestry of riff-heavy sounds.

Consisting of Sebastian Ross on vocals and bass, Mason Cheek on guitar, and Tim Tinnemeyer on drums, Craetor have released the EP “Keystone Sessions: Volume 1,” released on February 3rd, 2023, but it is their upcoming EP, “Surrender,” set to be released on May 31, 2023, that serves as their debut studio EP, a work that challenged the band to create a robust and immersive soundscape with their three-piece setup.

With minimal overdubs, Craetor aimed to push the boundaries of their instruments, crafting soaring sounds that transport the listener to dark, haunting, and deteriorating realms. The album beautifully balances the doom and stoner rock genres, anchored by Sebastian’s powerful bass tones, which serve as the foundation for the band’s sonic identity.

Sebastian’s bass work played a pivotal role in shaping the overall sound of “Surrender.” Drawing inspiration from the doom and dark tones of the Palm Desert scene from the early 90s, Craetor sought to create winding and oscillating riffs that became the backbone of their music. The drums, skillfully executed by Tim, acted as both a catalyst and companion to the bass riffs, accentuating their heaviness while adding aggression and complementing Mason’s guitar solos.

Listen for yourself.

Speaking of the guitar, Mason found inspiration in playing off the negative space created by the bass-driven three-piece setup. Drawing influence from the likes of Tony Iommi, Garrett Morris, and Pete Townshend, Mason aimed to push the guitar to its limits, exploring the sounds that could be achieved with minimal overdubs. The guitar tone, heavily influenced by the early palm desert and grunge scenes of the 90s, added a distorted and free-ranging quality that accentuated the darker, doomier bass lines.


Sebastian’s vocals on “Surrender” were influenced by Electric Wizard and Crowbar, showcasing a sparse and barely audible style that melded with the instrumentation. The vocals, used more as a fourth instrument rather than a centerpiece, punctuated the music with powerful punches, cutting through at opportune moments.

Undoubtedly, the bass serves as the beating heart of Craetor. Sebastian’s doom-inspired tones and rhythmic approach give the band a solid foundation. Often likened to a rhythm guitar, Sebastian’s bass work fills out the space and provides intricate changes, creating a core riff that evolves over time.


As the band’s debut EP, “Surrender” represents Craetor’s initial exploration of their sound. Drawing inspiration from doom, psych rock, stoner rock, and noise, the album sets the stage for their future endeavors. Fans of hard-hitting, dirty, and riff-heavy rock and metal hybrids should be stoked.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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