New Music

HOPE COURT takes a unique collision of primal, organic sounds of hardcore, punk and metal on their debut EP

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Hope Court is a band for the discerning listener, those who relish the thrill of discovering hidden gems. Comprised of three members – ΚΑΓΕ on guitar and vocals, Nēdiam on bass and vocals, and Άleξ on drums – the band navigates the divide between their hometown of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Stony Brook, New York. Their debut demo is a powerful collision of hardcore, post-hardcore, dirty melodic hardcore punk, with a faint mist of blackened metal lingering in the background.

The band’s journey began with a burst of raw energy and experimental zeal. ΚΑΓΕ recalls the inception of their eponymous track “Hope Court,” which became a cornerstone for the band’s identity. It started as a spontaneous experiment, a rough and unpolished riff sent to the others to capture the essence of their emerging style. This track not only defined their sound but also set a precedent for the band’s approach: direct, unfiltered, and fiercely authentic.

“This wasn’t the first song I started sending the guys riffs for, but it was the first to crack this style open for me (and I believe the guys too). It started as this bare bones, monke, straight off the dome thing, to just try to “scratch-and-sniff” the idea around the band (and the style), aka get a song quick to see if the idea sounds cool. It got some traction when at some point it was decided we were making it the “band name track”. I think it’s a fun one, I got that idea from our croatian buddies Trophy Jump, cause their band name track is fucking cool! In our case, this track set the precedent that in this band, we should go as direct and as raw as we can.” – says ΚΑΓΕ.

The recording process was intense, characterized by a poetic spontaneity. Nēdiam reflects on the almost miraculous cohesion that emerged during their first rehearsals, despite each member practicing independently. This seamless synchronization was particularly evident in the track “Pulley/Fight Low,” where Άleξ’s innovative drumming added a unique flavor, blending jazz and black metal influences.

“The approach to writing a drum line for Pulley was unique to me. Listening to lo-fi / hi-noize phone recordings of the melodies that ΚΑΓΕ shared for this track left a lot of room for experimentation on the kit. So instead of coming up with a beat that complements the guitar parts I proposed we let the drums narrate their own side of the story. To me the highlight is the ride-snare pattern in the middle part  which perfectly conveyed the feelings of urgency and panic that I wanted to express. Don’t listen to this song if you think that someone is following you on the late walk back home.” – says Άleξ.


Lyrically, Hope Court’s songs are introspective and raw. ΚΑΓΕ shares that “Sonderville” delves into personal experiences and relationships, urging his friends and himself to embrace their true, unfiltered selves. This thematic exploration of rawness is a thread that runs through their music, mirroring their unorthodox production process.

Speaking of production, the band’s approach was anything but conventional. Pantelis from True North Studios, who worked on their demo/EP, highlights the anarchic nature of the recording sessions. Instruments were recorded live to capture the genuine energy of a live performance. Every mic in the studio was utilized, from standard setups to improvised room mics, even using old headphones to capture the drum sound. This chaotic yet deliberate method resulted in a primal, unpolished sound that perfectly complements the band’s ethos.


The production process wasn’t without its challenges. The mixing process was a journey of trial and error, with Pantelis initially attempting a “by the book” approach, only to find that the raw, nasty mix he did for fun resonated more authentically with the band’s spirit. This realization led to a final mix that embraced distortion, compression, and grainy reverb, enhancing the primal nature of the tracks.

Hope Court is a gritty celebration of raw energy and unfiltered expression. Follow their cryptic Instagram here and grab their demo via Bandcamp.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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