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Kyle Profeta leaves COMEBACK KID

1 min read

We have a major lineup change in COMEBACK KID‘s crew. The band’s original drummer, Kyle Profeta, has left CBK after twelve years of being in the band. He issued the following statement:

To all of you who may not have heard. It saddens me to say I have officially left Comeback kid. I want to thank Jeremy Hiebert and Andrew Neufeld for their support and understanding behind my decision. In the words of Jer. “everything has an expiry date”… I felt that mine had come. I will never forget all the amazing places I got to see and all the amazing people I have met throughout the years. To thank everyone individually would mean about a 6 hour typing session. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.. Anyways, I am forever grateful for the last 12 years of my life. It has consisted of travelling around the world with my friends causing trouble everywhere we went. When I think back over the years I am flushed with this wild reality check that I/WE DID IT. I could not have made my dreams come true without Jeremy, Andrew and Scott Wade (sorry endless bass players) There are just too many memories to even start naming them. Happy and sad. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I will deeply miss sharing tight spaces with you all… (that’s what she said) – Michael Scoon.

It’s now time for me to open a new chapter of my life…
I have decided to take my culinary skills down to South Africa! I plan to brand my product down there and open up some food trucks! Production begins.. well…. I fly down on May 27th!
So there you go.. Spread the word! Chops is on the rise and heading to South Africa! If your ever in Cape Town, look me up!

KYLE drummer

COMEBACK KID explained:

It is time to finally say that our original drummer Kyle Profeta has left Comeback Kid. His last show was a few weeks ago in California. Kyle has been a significant and contributing member to our band since it’s inception. We wrote “All In A Year” in his bedroom back in 2000. An amazing friend and an incredible talented drummer. Thanks Kyle for the great times. See his statement we have shared below. Kyle we wish you all the best! Love you!

We would also like to welcome Jesse Labovitz to the fold. He is now on his second tour with us and is killing it. We are psyched to have him on board! We’re out on tour across Canada now and will be in Europe for some festivals and shows this summer. Hope to see some of you out!

Photo by Ahmad Saiful.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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