
Phil Porto (THE RED BARON) needs your help

1 min read

Here’s the original message posted on regarding Phil Porto, the singer of now defunct straight edge hardcore band THE RED BARON.

To those of you who haven’t heard. Phil Porto, singer for The Red Baron as well as the Hip Hop artist “Wonder”, had surgery surgery on March 26th to remove a golf ball sized tumor that was pressing on his brain stem. They were only able to remove 75% of the tumor so he will have to undergo chemo to try to get rid of the remaining tumor. Due to the placement of the tumor the surgery has caused Phil to lose all hearing in his right ear that will not be regained. The hearing loss has resulted in vertigo which causes severe dizziness and makes it hard to walk. The surgery also caused paralysis to the right side of his face and he is having a hard time closing his eye. It is detrimental to his sight that he regains the use of those muscles due to the fact that he can not see out of his left eye already.

On April 3rd Phil had to go back into surgery. He had a cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) leak coming from his nose. Doctors tried a lumbar drain in his back to stop the leaking but it didn’t work. They reopened and removed his right ear drum so they could pack as much fat graph as possible in to stop the leak. If there is CSF leaking still they will put in a shunt (a tube or device implanted in the body to redirect a body fluid from one cavity or vessel to another).

He and his wife are going through a very tough time in their life now but are remaining amazingly strong. Though he is remaining humble and only asking for prayer in support, we all know that financially this is a huge burden. Phil will be away from work for months as well as Christa being that she will need to be at home to take care of him. They have a paypal account under

If you have anything to spare please help them out. If you can’t help financially please pray or just send positive thoughts their way. Phil is an amazing person, has been a wonderful friend to many, and has touched many lives with his music. We all want to be part of something bigger and this is your chance to do so. Help another Hardcore kid in need.

If you want to follow regular updates on his status you find them at



Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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