PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH by Distract Your Face - Photography of James Richards IV
New Music

PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH streaming new record Wait For Love!

1 min read

With PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH‘s touchy 2014 record ‘Keep You’, it was a bold move to go so much outside their gritty, screamy post hardcore sound they’ve been known for, but their newest record ‘Wait For Love‘ is sure-footed enough to prove it was a good decision. The new record solidifies them as masters of mood and this new softer era works unusually well. Listen for yourself.

The band has teamed up with director Michael Parks Randa for a video trilogy of songs “Charisma”, “Bitter Red,”, and “Love On Repeat,” which premiered a couple of days ago. Scroll down to see all three videos and learn more from the official word of Michael Parks Randa.

All Bandcamp sales from Pianos Become The Teeth’s ‘Wait For Love’ digital downloads will benefit The Choice Program at UMBC until February 19th. Name your price and Epitaph Records will match half your amount for the good cause.

Photo by Distract Your Face – Photography of James Richards IV.

The band will be supporting the new record on a couple of shows this month:

FEB 21 WED – Great Scott Allston, MA
FEB 22 THU – St. Vitus – New York, NY
FEB 23 FRI – Boot & Saddle – Philadelphia, PA SOLD OUT
FEB 24 SAT – Metro Gallery – – Baltimore, MD

Director Michael Parks Randa commented on the video trilogy:

I’ve always played around with the idea of making a trilogy of music videos but never had the project to support it. When Pianos came to me to direct “Charisma”, I wanted the narrative to be centered around two strong, queer female characters and thought it’d be fascinating to watch them fall in love amidst the eeriness of Halloween. I felt like the story wrapped up nicely at the end and I really had no intentions of taking the story any further. But there was such a strong reaction to that video that when the band asked me to do two more for “Bitter Red” and “Love On Repeat”, I finally had the opportunity to bring that dream of a trilogy to life and to document the following stages of that love between Madeline and Nataysha’s characters, and to keep it a bit open ended for the viewer. The band was so supportive of the vision and I’m really proud of what we created.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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