Craig Lewis

Sanity is a Full-Time Job blog #8: traveling on a ferry to Corfu, Greece from Sarandë Albania

2 mins read

“After spending three days in Pristina Kosovo and two days in Sarandë, Albania, I took the ferry to the island of Corfu Greece.

To please myself, I decided I wanted to enter Greece for the first time by boat, and because I could; I made sure it happened.

Instead of traveling south to Skopje Macedonia and then entering Greece via it’s northern border, which would be about a four-hour drive, I opted for the ten hour journey, on two particularly uncomfortable mini-buses, with a three hour stopover in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and then what felt like endless hours of circling the mountain to get to the coast and arrive in Sarandë at 7 in the morning. The trip in total was approximately 17 hours.

In this video, I bare my soul about the reality within my heart and what I think about and why I choose to continue to live and why I choose to continue to love and why I choose to continue to do all I can to be the best I can be.

I’m just a guy from the United States who was expected to fail, a man who was tossed in the trash by nearly everyone he thought he could trust; and yet here I am.

The tears that fell from my eyes when I first saw the port of Corfu, Greece, in the distance, are tears that I will always remember.

The purpose of this video blog, in part, is to let us all know that it’s okay to be human, that it’s okay to be emotional, that it’s okay to feel hurt, that it’s okay to feel intense, and that it’s okay to find a way to continue on with your journey in life, to choose to wake up each morning, to make the best of what you have with gratitude, and with joy and with love.” – Crag Lewis


  1. Max from Poltava Ukraine explaining the difference between being a Maniac and Humaniac
  2. Saša sharing her story about the Holocaust survivor.
  3. Meeting one of the best RnB/Rap artists in Birmingham, Alabama (featuring Tjay Lamar)
  4. Learning the Difference Between Truly Living and Being Alive, in Sofia Bulgaria
  5. A Brief Love Story About a Kitten Named “Princess Minate”
  6. Handle With Care Tattoo Session in Quebec City
  7. I Survived the Impossible and So Can You!

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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