New Music

SQUID PISSER unveils further explosions of sonic chaos of “Kill All Your Friends”, shredding across genre boundaries

2 mins read

Something sinister stirs as SQUID PISSER, the anarchic act known for tearing apart musical conventions, unleashes their latest creation – the music video for “Kill All Your Friends.” Following their recent singles “Splatter The Master” and “Virus Assholes“, this violent punch in the head is a terrifying glimpse into the chaotic depths of their upcoming album, “Dreams of Puke.”

Tommy Meehan, the band’s haunted vocalist and guitarist, steps into the shadows to reveal the tortured soul behind their visceral sound.

“Every song on ‘Dreams of Puke‘ is extremely personal to me,” he begins, his voice echoing with the weight of unspoken battles.

Kill All Your Friends is about following your fucking heart and disregarding what anybody tells you about what you need to do with your life. People, even your friends, are gonna try and trap you inside a box they have envisioned for you. They’re gonna try and tell you that you can’t do big things. Learning how to take advice and suggestions with a grain of salt (or not at all) and learning that you need to carve out your own path is crucial to your success and to the ultimate fruition of the self.”

SQUID PISSER, consisting of Tommy Meehan (guitarist of GWAR and CANCER CHRIST, ex-DEAF CLUB) and Seth Carolina (drummer of STARCRAWLER), have crafted a track that’s a sonic nightmare, blending chaotic hardcore, emoviolence, powerviolence, and more.


The album “Dreams of Puke,” soon to be supported by a US tour with GWAR, MELT-BANANA, and NEKROGOBLIKON, and European dates this fall, is an explosive mix that never relents. Tommy Meehan, a master of guitar effects, creates a dense soundscape of visceral debris, while Seth Carolina, fueled by unrelenting rage, hammers the drums with the ferocity of a predator on the hunt.

“The writing sessions for this album resulted in about 100 songs… Demos, seedlings, and scraps were strewn about everywhere. Then Seth and I assembled them into a viable and tangible fruition. I tracked all of the guitars, bass, and vocals myself at Los Angeles’ Castle Barf Studios. The drums we did at Sea Horse Sound downtown,” Tommy explains.

The album is a co-release between SKiN GRAFT Records and Tommy’s Sweatband Records label.


“Dreams Of Puke” is a sonic DMT trip that will leave your brain reeling. Its atonal anthems of slime are a kaleidoscope of brilliant, bespeckled rage that, in the end, will scalp the world and mutate the throne.

If you’re ready to have your eardrums blown and your mind shattered, dive into “Kill All Your Friends.” As ALTERNATIVE PRESS writes: “Fully masked, chaotic, unruly and addictive.”

Catch the band at the following stops.

SQUID PISSER by dancefloormurder
SQUID PISSER by dancefloormurder


June 7 Hartford, CT @Webster Theater
June 8 Reading, PA @ Reverb
June 9 Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club
June 11 Columbia, SC @ The Senate
June 12 Lexington, KY @ Manchester Music Hall
June 14 Birmingham, AL@ Iron City
June 15 Memphis, TN @ Minglewood Hall
June 16 Destin, FL@ Club LA
June 17 Tampa, FL @ The Ritz Ybor


June 19 Phoenix, AZ @ Rebel Lounge
June 20 San Diego, CA @ Music Box
June 21 Los Angeles, CA @ El Rey Theatre

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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