Węże, by ishootmusic
Węże, by ishootmusic

Stay Pissed: WĘŻE strike hard and fast with their skate infused punk

6 mins read

To truly understand and appreciate the Polish punk and hardcore scene, you need to have mad respect for its roots. This is a scene that’s weathered decades of evolution, pushing through the harsh realities of over 30 years ago to the prosperity we experience today. The members of WĘŻE, especially Marcin Pyszora—who’s legendary for his time in the hard-hitting metalcore band FAUST AGAIN (active 2000-2013, making their comeback for one live show this month)—know this journey well.

When you think of bands that embody raw, unfiltered emotion that defines so many Polish punk related scenes, WĘŻE is one of the newer names that should be on your radar. Born from a desire to express and release the most extreme emotions, this band didn’t come together with plans or strategies—they just wanted to let loose.

Pulling from the bluntness of punk and the energy of hardcore, WĘŻE consist of lineup as fluid as their sound, bringing together seasoned musicians with a shared love for stuff that used to soundtrack old-school skate videos.

While they don’t label themselves as old-school, the influence is unmistakable. Their debut at the Soundrive Festival in Gdańsk and performances at The Great September in Łódź and Peleton.Fest.2 in Warsaw set the stage for their explosive entry. In 2023, they tore up the main stage at OFF FESTIVAL in Katowice and rocked Peleton.Fest.3. Their music even found its way into the Netflix series “A Girl and an Astronaut.”

In 2024, WĘŻE have supported heavyweights like THE ARMED and are set to hit the stage with SHOW ME THE BODY, promising to bring their high-octane performance to the young crowd in Cracow, and no doubt to the older folks too.

In a recent interview, the band shared insights into their formation and artistic direction. Collaborating with rapper Leo Ros for their latest single was a natural fit. Their mutual love for skateboarding and old-school rap made for an explosive combination. As for what’s next, WĘŻE is gearing up to record their first official album live, sticking to their non-traditional roots.

WĘŻE’s message is clear: be good to yourself, let others live freely, and catch them live for a show you won’t forget. Stay pissed and keep the punk spirit alive!

Hey, massive congrats on another year with this still fresh project! I’ve got fond memories of FAUST AGAIN shows and how they used to give me chills, but hitting play on your latest single was like a crash course in awe – in the best way, of course! To kick things off, what sparked the idea to roll with this style? Is this a long-held dream to jam out in this vibe?

Hey! First of all, thank you for your kind words! To be honest, the whole thing happened very spontaneously. Over the years, my personal taste in music has evolved, and I don’t listen to metal that much anymore, except for a few classics. I still wanted to play heavy music, as there’s still some anger burning inside me.

When Mateusz and I started talking about music, we decided to stay completely open about what we were going to play. We mix everything we like in aggressive music—some songs have a punk vibe, some lean towards sludge metal, some have a hardcore feel, and there’s even a bit of rap. I don’t think we’ll ever limit ourselves to any genre. Total freedom and breaking boundaries are what excite me the most.

That new single hit hard, paying tribute to skateboarding and solidly defining your rebel stance. Who is Węże, and what’s your core philosophy or approach to life?

At the very beginning of Węże, we all agreed that we love old-school skateboarding videos with super cool punk and thrash music. You know, before all the skaters started listening to hip-hop exclusively. Some of us used to skate, and some still do. I guess it’s something that, once you try it, stays with you forever.

To answer your question, I’m a bit skeptical of any philosophies and predefined ways of thinking. I understand that they might be helpful for some people, and I respect that. Personally, however, the only rule that I find relevant and useful is to try not to be an asshole and not hurt other people or animals.

Besides that, I would say I’m a big fan of letting people do what they want and be who they want to be. That includes supporting any movement involving people fighting for their rights to be respected and be free from societal oppression.

Regarding the Węże line-up, it’s not really a secret, but we don’t want to focus on that. We come from very, very different musical worlds, and I love how creative and eclectic this group of people is.

Węże by Łukasz Dziewic
Węże by Łukasz Dziewic

Gotta ask, why the name “Węże”?

That’s just a badass name that captures the aggressive and venomous vibe of our music. When you listen to our songs, you should feel like a group of snakes is violently chasing you, ready to do what they’re good at—haha!

How did you guys hook up with Leo Ros for this single?

We’re just good friends—you can see Leo starring in our very first video for our very first single. He loves skateboarding, and we love his songs (I really enjoy his take on old-school rap), so we thought it would be a great match. And it worked out really fucking well.

Since 2022, it’s been just singles. Can we expect something bigger this year?

Yes! We’re preparing for the recording session of our first official album. As with everything Węże do, it’s not going to be a standard LP. Our plan is to record it live! More details soon!

What gigs are on the horizon for this year? What else can we look forward to from you guys?

We have two exciting gigs coming up soon, both with our current favorite hardcore band, Show Me the Body. Feel free to join us in Krakow or Poznan in August. After that, we’ll be preparing for the recording session I mentioned, which should be announced soon.


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Besides Węże, are there any other projects your band members are currently involved in?

Oh yes—various projects from very different musical worlds, including Embitter, Holak, Bartuś419, Elektro Śmieci, ATLVNTA, Faust Again and one very well-known synth-electro pop band that doesn’t reveal its members’ names.

We’re halfway through the year – what’s spinning on your playlists? Any albums you’d nominate for album of the year or suggest to our readers?

I’ve been into DIIV since their debut album, and the new one that came out recently is also very good, though it’s quite different.

I also like the new IDLES album. It didn’t grab me at first, but after a few listens, I really started to dig it.

The new EP from Show Me the Body is also very good—you can’t really narrow their music down to any specific genre, and I like that a lot.

This year has been less about discovering new music for me and more about nostalgic trips to bands like Fugazi.

Oh, and there’s a new Nick Cave album coming out soon—he never disappoints.

Wężę, by Mateusz Czech
Wężę, by Mateusz Czech

From a fan’s perspective and as regular gig-goers, are there any concerts you’re particularly looking forward to this year?

If I weren’t playing with Show Me the Body, I would still go to see them, as I know their live performances are absolutely killer—one of the best live hardcore bands ever.

I also got tickets for Nick Cave and DIIV shows happening this year.

I would like to see High Vis when they come to Warsaw, but I might be traveling on that day.

With my other band, Faust Again, we’re going to support the US band Undying—it’s going to be a blast too!

Thanks a ton for your time! Before we wrap up, is there anything you’d like to add or shout out while we’re chatting? Feel free to share!

Thank you for all the support I’ve received from you over the years. I’m happy to see someone with such a strong commitment to underground music.

One last thing—try to be good to yourself and let others feel free to live their lives the way they want. See you somewhere at the gigs!

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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