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TARANTINO interviewed by Some Will Never Know Zine

1 min read

Some Will Never Know Zine conducted an interview with Dutch hardcore band TARANTINO.

What got you into the whole hardcore-thing? Which bands have influenced you most in that way, getting you to start out?

My first real love in music (besides Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie and Johnny Cash) was punk. One of the first hardcore bands I ever saw live were Madball, Kill Your Idols and Madball. I liked everything about it, my heart began to pound and the atmosphere at the shows were great. I think Kill Your Idols and bands like Black Flag and even Rancid were responsible for making me wanting to start a band.

Could you tell me anything about why and how you started? Have you played in any other band before and how would you sum up Tarantino in a few sentences?

Before Tarantino I played in a punk band called Opvoeding (uprising in English). And Righteous Kill, a hardcore punk band. While I still was playing in Righteous Kill I was looking for a side project. I met Joep and Daan (the guitar players) at the central station of Breda and they told me they wanted to start a new hardcore band. They were looking for a singer so I joined the band. Pino (the drum player of Righteous Kill) also joined Tarantino. At the Groezrock festival last year we asked Paul to join the band on bass. After the summer we started rehearsing.

It’s really hard to describe your band in a few sentences but I’m going to give it a try. Tarantino is a fast, energetic and genuine hardcore band that consists of friends. We don’t pretend to be hardcore tough guys, cause we’re not. We want to do something else then most of the hardcore bands, that’s why we try to put much variety in our songs. We want to break the rules in the hardcore scene and offer an alternative. Pissed of music with a message in our own strange way.

Go here to read the rest.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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