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THE DOG unveils the “Fountain Of Youth” EP – full stream & interview available!

3 mins read

“Fountain Of Youth” delivers very fast, furious hardcore punk with harsh screams, razor sharp guitars, and a classic feeling that will bring back some of the good memories of VOID, SSD, and old AGNOSTIC FRONT tunes. With a solid dose of anti social phobia, negative visions, and a restoration of punk disorder, this 7” is a perfect accompaniment to all the rage and anger that’s trapped inside your bodies. Listen and read up below.

“Fountain Of Youth” 7″ is available via Long Walk Records and N.I.C. The official street date is February 23rd, 2015, but you can pre-order your limited edition copy now at this location. The band is booking their February/March European tour as we speak!

Photo by Aleksander Wilk.

Hey there buds! What’s up? How have you been? How is 2014 treating you so far?

We’ve been doing quite well. Not as well as Taylor Swift but THE DOG – which came as a side project – now can be called the “regular band”. Of course we’re older, much more tired and pissed off but the shit keeps rolling and we’re gonna end this year with a few more gigs played and the second album recorded. It’s a nice result given the fact that we’re nearly all over 30 and the band started one and a half year ago. In our private lives nothing has changed. We spend more money than we earn, we drink more than we should and we still wrestle with our own damn problems.

The prospect of 9 tracks in 9 minutes bodes well for fans of furious, dirty, yet very natural punk that you accustomed us to since the release of your debut EP. Are you proud of it? What does this new record mean to you personally?

The new record can be seen as a step forward and a step backward as well. It’s a lot more furious, hard and red­hot than the first album but in some kind of spontaneous way. There are more classic hardcore/punk influences and more straight­to­the­point personal lyrics. Less metal this time… Of course we’re proud of it but I won’t use any poetic words to describe our ideas behind the album. You know, it lasts only 9 minutes. 9 fucking minutes. Usher used to say that he puts his records on the turntable when he wants to score a girl. “Fountain of Youth” is not that kind of thing, as you may guess.

Is it a natural continuation of the “Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford” inspiration? Is there more spooky and gloomy stuff coming along with this new effort?

The content of the new album is a lot more personal. “The Value of Life is Negative” was a little bit theatric with American culture influences – but not fully though – and “Fountain of Youth” is totally vital and bacchanal. I mean I’m really into this. The message describes my real pessimistic views and the content is coherent. But after all the new record is still somehow the continuation of that rustic, raw and sick atmosphere of the first EP. The music would rather work as a soundtrack of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” than “Dirty Dancing”.

What’s the “Fountain Of Youth”?

Fountain of youth is the reference to the mythical spring that restores youth. On this record it represents all the youthful desires which take us out from the sorrowful reality. It’s alcohol, sex, drugs and all the dangerous, adrenaline-producing things that bring us back to the wildness which stands in the opposite to adulthood.

“The Value Of Life Is Negative” was released through Long Walk Records, Elephant Skin Records and Scarecrow Records. Who are you working with this time?

The new album will come out as a result of the cooperation of N.I.C. Inc. and Long Walk Records. The second label is run by our drummer Łukasz, so once again it’ll be totally D.I.Y. issue.

Gig­wise, you played a couple of German gigs with TORN SHORE last month, right? How was it to take your naughty tunes abroad?

We had the euro­tour in our plans but the whole thing turned out to be a total disaster before it even started. 10 dates were reduced to only 2. Me and Łukasz have already played in Germany many times with WE ARE IDOLS so with some help from our dear ol’ friends – Lenin from Berlin and Robert from Neubrandenburg – we managed to get there with good cats from TORN SHORE.

Besides being good cats they also provide a lot of great tunes which bring our memories back to that Convergetype hardcore from “You Fail Me” era. You should check them live cause this shit is the serious thing. They are artists man!

Are you tempted to book more international gigs?

I guess so. We’re preparing for the next attempt to hit a few European countries in spring. I hope it will work this time.

Will there be more records from THE DOG after this new 7″? What are your plans for the next year?

We want to keep the tempo. 1 year – 1 record. We have already started to work on new songs and hopefully we’ll soon hit the studio. We’d like to record some stuff for the split albums. And that’s it.

THE DOG Facebook
THE DOG Bandcamp

Read my longer interview with THE DOG at this location.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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