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THE SMASHROOMS / Gab De La Vega interview!

24 mins read

Yup. One man, three amazing main projects and lots of other activities and point of views worth publishing. He’s called Gab De La Vega, he runs his amazing DIY label called Epidemic Records, is the front man of Italian punk rock pack known as THE SMASHROOMS and now tries to get his name out there even more with his solo acoustic punk project.

There’s a lot of exciting news regarding both musical projects. 2 new records are coming out very soon! It’s a perfect time to bring up the DIY ethics, ideas, reflections, messages and critical thinking shared by Gab. Check out this lengthy interview with Mr. De La Vega and find out more about his theories, personal thoughts and vegan and straight edge lifestyle.

“If we want to change the world we must be the first thing to change.”


Hey, Gab! Why do I have this feeling that this will turn into a nice chat? [smiles] How are you, man?

Hi! I don’t know… maybe because I’m a nice guy? [laughs]
I’m doing fine, thanks, I just finished recording my new album and I’m more than satisfied with the result. Last works on mixing and then it will be ready. Can’t wait!
I hope you’re fine too! I admit I am really surprised for this interview, it doesn’t happen all days!

Yeah, man. I’m stoked, too! Let’s start off with THE SMASHROOMS, shall we? How is the band? How’s the new recording going? You mentioned on your Facebook profile that it will be different. Why’s that? Should we be scared? [smiles]

Oh, you sure have to be scared! [laughs]

Well, we are not recording yet, but we’ll be at the end of May/beginning of June. We are now writing the new songs for this new album to come out. I confirm, it will be really different. Our last release was Questions 7″. It was late 2010. We are now in 2013, in 2 years and a half a lot of things can change and so did we. We improved our songwriting a lot and gained more experience, which is never enough. It’s really hard to summarize the new sound that people will find in the new SMASHROOMS album. I can tell you that for some reasons it will barely sound like the same band! New songs are more technical, more melodic in the vocals, but still heavy and aggressive.

Lyrics will still be charged with deep reflections and messages, but they will be more mature and expressive. We have high expectations on this new record, it will be the soundtrack of a new life for THE SMASHROOMS. We just couldn’t write another record that sounded just like the last stuff recorded; we don’t deny anything, but we need to go on. These new songs are getting us very excited, so I suggest everyone to keep an eye out on THE SMASHROOMS page!

Also, keep an eye out on the developments of HFPS – Hardcore For Political Support, a benefit project we started in support of political activists and prisoners hit by repression. It’s an important thing that completes the essence of this band. We love playing music, but we also love to know that our music can be a tool to bring a change in the world in a significant way.

Whoo hooo, sounds like you’re a busy man! [smiles] Tell me more about HFPS. How exactly are you helping those people out?

We just started it, just before our European tour of October/November 2012, but a lot of people appreciated the initiative. I guess there are a lot of people still caring about politics in the hardcore scene, despite the fact that a lot of bands just don’t care about anything, even the most basic issues.

We had some new merch printed for our tour and we said “why don’t we donate a part of the proceeds to someone involved in the struggles we support?”. It happened that a couple of NoTAV ( activists we know got arrested, heavily charged, during an operation to stop the NoTAV protests in their area. We decided to donate the first money raised with the selling of those t-shirts to these two anarchists. Also, we had a benefit show in Berlin during that tour and it was packed, it raised a lot of money in support of these two activists. We also presented the project in our hometown social center, with a vegan buffet to raise some more money… So basically the money so far came from the selling of the merch, shows (another one with WOLF DOWN happened in Cremona last January), events (vegan buffet, projections, presentations) and so on…

It’s just the beginning but we want to make this project bigger and bigger. We are thinking of doing other things to raise more money, possibly involving other bands willing to help us.

We will have another event in one week, about the Barchem4 case: four activists for animal liberation arrested with the charge of liberating 5000 minks from a farm in the Dutch town of Barchem in 2009. After raising money for the two anarchists above, we set the Barchem4 as the new consignees of our efforts with HFPS.


Amazing. What motivates you to support such causes?

Those are the same causes we believe in and that we support as individuals in the first place. Then we can contribute as a band and that’s exactly what we are doing with HFPS. Those people are trying to make the world a better place for everyone. We think that everyone, inside and outside the hardcore community, should find a new interest in politics, meant in the purest way. All that affects our lives and the world we live in is politics and it’s a daily matter, like it or not.

Alright, let’s go back to THE SMASHROOMS for a while. You’ve released your two 7 inches for free. Any chances to get this kind of promotion for poor fans of the band? [smiles]

Well, the two 7″ we released in 2009 and 2010 (The Wind Of Tomorrow and Questions), they already are up for free download! Just go to our facebook page or bandcamp page and you’ll find links to download them! [smiles]
We always spread our songs for free, in hopes that many people will like and share those. Of course we also appreciate when someone spends a few money to buy a solid copy of a record of ours. It’s useless to say, a solid copy in vinyl is more than a folder on your computer. Plus, recording and releasing a record costs money. But still, we give everyone the chance to listen to our words and music for free and to share them with others. And we’ll do the same with the new album coming up next, of course. It’s up to the fans to decide whether they want support us buying a copy or just downloading it, according to their will and possibilities. Both ways, sincere support is always appreciated!

Sure thing, Gab! There’s nothing like feeling vinyl and taking a deep breathe while sniffing it [laughs].

Tell me about the shows you’ve already planned for the coming weeks and months. You’ll be performing at Unity Means Power Fest, right? It’s an antifascist festival, so it makes it even more interesting. Tell me more about this gig.

THE SMASHROOMS are completely focused on the writing of the new album, so we are not playing many shows in these months. But we couldn’t say no, this Unity Means Power Fest sounded really interesting! We played Esperanza, the venue, during our European Tour in 2009 and it turned out to be one of the best shows we’ve ever played! Also, I will play there as Gab De La Vega (which is my acoustic solo project) in the aftershow, right after a killing line up! It’s a festival that puts an accent over the antifascist message, which is definitely important to us. Antifascism should be a basic values in hardcore and punk rock as well as in everyone’s daily life.

THE SMASHROOMS are supposed to play a show in Switzerland the day before, on our way to Germany, but it seems there’s something going on at the moment, we’ll see.

Then, as Gab De La Vega again, I will be back to Germany the week after, in Frankfurt. There’s a big anti-fur demo and then a benefit show. I played Frankfurt during my solo European Tour last October and it was fun, I met nice people there. The guys there wanted me to be back to play on this show. These are the only shows confirmed at the moment. I’ve just recorded my new album as Gab De La Vega, I’m waiting for it to be ready to start looking for some label to release it, but I want to start booking some shows too.

THE SMASHROOMS might play another show in May, just before the recordings of the new album, a sort of preview show, where we’ll only play songs from the upcoming LP.

Both projects, due to recordings, are kinda slow on the live side at the moment, but with the new records out it will be shows and tours at full speed again!


Nice. How is your solo work going anyway? You’ve been recording for “Gab De La Vega” project recently too, right?

It’s going great! I went on tour for two weeks last October over Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany. I had really nice shows and people liked my music. I also made new friends and of course got the chance to meet old ones once more, which is always great! [smiles]

And you’re right, I’ve just been recording a new album and the outcome is over any expectation! I am now looking for some labels to release it (CD and Vinyl LP).

I’m playing Unity Means Power Fest as said before and the week after I’ll be back to Germany. I’m excited to take part in these events.

Of course I will promote this new album with a new European tour, but I don’t know when yet.

Gab De La Vega promo

How did you decide to branch out for a solo career? What does it give you?

I didn’t mean to start a solo “career” actually. In the beginning it was a matter of one, two shows. I played some songs I wrote on my acoustic guitar (one of those is an acoustic version of THE SMASHROOMS’ “Give Me The Sun”, which will be on my new album) and some friends suggested me to do some acoustic shows. Then the first chance came and from that moment on it’s been growing. I decided to record two songs and then I released those on a 7″, then the tour… It all came spontaneously, I saw it was working and I said “why not?”.

This acoustic solo project is just great. It’s so much different from the hardcore punk shows I’m used to play with THE SMASHROOMS but on the other hand I still can talk of topics I like and I find important in my life just like I would do in a SMASHROOMS show. The difference is that shows are not as frantic as hardcore ones (of course!) so you can take it easy, talk to the people in the between of the songs for a longer time, etc. Basically it takes the best of the folk/songwriter attitude and the best of the punk rocker attitude: you can tell stories or talk about something you feel but you can also speak out your mind, give the people something to think about…

There’s a lot of themes I deal with in my lyrics. Among many, one of the most important to me is veganism and the end of exploitation of animals. People generally condemn human exploitation or violence, but often they don’t realize that it’s the same thing that we are doing to animals. If we love freedom, why shouldn’t we want to give freedom to every living being?

I don’t live the “Gab De La Vega” solo project as a mere “vegan-songwriter” thing. I am just a normal person who cares about a lot of things and who sings about different issues. One of these is veganism. I like when I’m playing shows and it happens that most of the audience is not vegan, I come to the point that I play for example “Death On The Shelf” and I talk about veganism and animal exploitation in the food industry. Till that moment I was just a guy playing acoustic punk/folk songs, talking maybe about stuff they can easily relate to. Till then. In that very moment they can hear what’s behind animal exploitation. I don’t want to be a vegan songwriter that plays just songs about veganism to vegan people, nor I want to keep veganism out of my music. It’s an important thing of my life. I try to be a “musician” that have something to say, taken out from his own heart. All I sing in my songs comes from there.

Would you consider turning “Gab De La Vega” in a full band project?

Why not? I would consider that option. But at the moment I like it as it is: just me and my guitar. I can go to play whenever and wherever I can and I want and this makes it really easy. But if things gets rolling and someone wants to try to build up a band around this Gab De La Vega thing, it might sound interesting. But a full band means also to find good people, time for practicing, more expenses and so on. So at the moment I will keep it the way it is. Who knows, maybe someday I will leave on tour both solo and full band!

Alright, let’s move to your fanzine. How’s it going? Do you still write? How many issues have you put out already? Where can I grab one?

Well, I don’t write a paper zine since 2005 or 2006. I used to have a sort of webzine too, but it didn’t last long. I didn’t have the time to keep it alive.

Not so much time ago Cesko (THE SMASHROOMS bass player) and I decided to start a new paper zine, but the problem is still there: we don’t have enough time to do that.

In the last years I’ve cooperated with some zines around Europe for some articles, but nothing more than that unfortunately.

I hope to find the time in the future to be back on paper.

Any active titled you’d like to recommend?

Those I was featured in are not active anymore. One of those was an international collective project where many people contributed with a text. It was nice to see how this international fanzine got shaped.

Unfortunately I cannot find good fanzines in Italy at the moment. Most of them are cut-n-paste punk zines with reviews of records released 20 or 30 years ago! You know, it happens when young kids get in the punk and hardcore scene and find those classic bands that everyone is supposed to know to be a real punk! [smiles] I wish I could find some fanzine dealing with today’s bands, but I don’t know any at the moment in Italy. Sadly.

I can tell you that there are a lot of people who still put a great effort into writing paper zines and they get great outcomes. There’s a friend of mine from France called Nab, he writes Just Say Yo! ‘zine, for example. It’s a nice paper zine mostly focused on the musical aspect of hardcore. You can find a lot of good records reviewed and nice interviews; most of them are old school run, with a recorder, so they sound pretty spontaneous.

Alright, Gab. Let’s move on to Epidemic Records. What are you up to when it comes to your label releases at the moment?

My latest release was PAINTED WOLVES, Unholy 7″. It’s an amazing band, featuring members of other amazing bands such as ANCHOR, DEATH IS NOT GLAMOROUS, DEAD VOWS and others. I’m now planning the next release, which is THE SMASHROOMS new album, both CD and vinyl. It will come out this summer. I really can’t wait!

How’s your distro going? How often do you update your collections?

I had some problems with the shipping costs. Italian postal service increased costs so much that it’s almost impossible to trade records as I used to do without losing money. I had to slow down trades. In the meantime, I decided I needed a new website for my label and distro. In the last year (and more) things went slowly on that side, but now I have good news: I subscribed a new contract to keep trading with foreign labels without losing a bunch of money in shipping costs and I almost have my new website ready. It will also have an E-store with all the distro catalogue and of course all the Epidemic Records releases, so keep an eye out! And of course, if anyone of the people reading has a hardcore label: get in touch for trades! [smiles]

Great! So you’re not giving it up, huh? [smiles]

How do you work with bands as a label? I mean, do you pick up your own favourites only? Do you accept demos?

Never give up! [smiles]

Of course I need to like the band, but I also need to get along with them. I came up to any of my releases in different ways, sometimes it was my idea, other times I was asked. Demo submission is ok; hardcore punk band only though. And of course, no fascists. They should go to hell, not on records!

I like bands with something to say, even if it’s something personal. Communication is something really important in hardcore.

Regarding the bands and people you work with, who made the biggest impression on you in terms of originality?

It’s hard to say. PAINTED WOLVES “Unholy” 7″, my latest release, is just great, but talking about originality, PLAGUE MASS “Union Of Egoists” LP and RAINDANCE “Sold Souls” 7″ are probably the best answer. I’ve been on tour with RAINDANCE for three weeks across Europe, it means I watched them live a bunch of times night after night. I never got bored. They are really intense on record as well as on stage.

THE SMASHROOMS new LP will be different from previous releases and I guess people will find some originality in that too. We’ll see!

Do you find social media extra useful when it comes to artists promotion? Have you thought about launching special viral campaigns and reaching for more people thanks to the digital age?

Of course they are, internet is a powerful tool for promotion and actually most of it goes through the web nowadays.

I never worked on viral campaigns for promotion, but I think it makes sense if you really need to make people notice a band or a record. When Epidemic Records new website will be online, along with all the social media, I guess I might think of some kind of viral promotion too.

Epidemic Records new website

What’s something you would never do as a label?

I guess releasing bands with discriminatory messages and attitudes. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia… they don’t belong to hardcore.

There’s a lot of this bullshit in the society out there, let’s keep it out of our community.

Alright, tell me about your local scene, Gab. I’ve been receiving so many strange signals from Italy. Some of you guys claim that it sucks, because Italian kids are spoiled and not supportive to their local scene, while I can see sooo many activists and super involved bands, labels, etc. So what’s the ultimate truth? [smiles] How does it look like in Brescia?

Well, it is true that Italy has a smaller scene today than some years ago, but I guess we could say the same for many other countries. But it is also true that I don’t see real excitement for hardcore today. New kids don’t find it much interesting and the average age is rising. Despite this, there are still a lot of people doing their best to keep it alive. It would be better if people would feel it more, if they would like to create a strong hardcore community again in Italy. As you said, there are a lot of bands, labels and people working hard for hardcore in Italy, but the fact is that there’s a lot of sectarianism. Sometimes it is better to keep things separated, especially when it comes to bands with debatable messages and attitudes, but this is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about small sub-scenes that rarely intertwine and no bands coming from the underground that reach to get widely known. A lot of bands from Italy tour abroad, which means two things: the will to grow up and the will to get away from what Italy offers to hardcore bands.

When it comes to the local, there are a lot of differences. There are cities and towns with a vivid and active hardcore scene and there are some where things are dead.

Brescia used to be better a few years ago. I kept booking shows till some months ago in the local social center, but now I’m taking a break. There’s no real interest in hardcore and it is frustrating working hard for things that don’t work as you want. I am kinda angry with this town. People here don’t deserve anything, so I don’t feel guilty for quitting doing shows in Brescia. I’m booking some shows of touring bands elsewhere. I don’t know if I’ll book hardcore shows again in Brescia. I’m focusing on other things at the moment. If anyone will feel like something’s missing, well, I hope they will remember DIY: do it yourself.

The sad thing is that the first people to complain that there’s nothing in Brescia are also the first who never showed up at gigs. I guess this is nothing new.

I have a love/hate relationship with my hometown. I want to leave any time I can, on tour, travelling or just for a few days. But on the other hand this is the place where all the people I love live, so I still feel the need to be back here. I guess you can find some of this in THE SMASHROMS song’s lyrics “Sidewalks”.

How do you think, what’s the reason for all of this?

It’s really hard to say. I tried to find answers many times.

I think that the most important thing to keep a scene, or better, a community alive, is to get new people involved. And new people mostly means young people.

When I was younger and I discovered punk and hardcore, it was the soundtrack of my teenage rebellion, the music that made me feel comfortable in a world where I didn’t fit much. Today it goes differently. Young people approaching to hardcore barely know anything of what hardcore and punk really means and used to mean before. They start listening to these trendy death-core/metal-core/brutal-shit bands that acts like rockstars and say nothing at all. They all want to become famous and rich. The focus has moved from the message to the ego and so on. They think that they need to be in some crappy booking agency roster to become famous and don’t realize that if you want people to know your band you have to play around a lot, often spending your own money.

The fact is that the ego-feeding -core shit with fancy haircuts is cheaper than a uncomfortable song with something to say. Even the most naive message like NOFX song “Murder The Government” (which is probably one of the cheapest slogan from punk rock, definitely not the half of the half of a TRIAL song lyrics) is too much “rebellion” for a generation who just wants to appear on facebook/instagram and that cares more about the being cool than anything else. Real hardcore is not attractive to this people.

This is just a starting point for a wider reflection on the situation of hardcore punk of today. I know it’s kinda reductive, but I guess that many people that lived or live my same experience, booking shows in towns not different from mine, will find some truth in my words.

I don’t lose hope though. Most of the kids are lost in that universe. But there will always be some that will find their place in the hardcore community and will keep it alive. I’d just like to see more of these, but I think that somehow these things follow a sort of cycle. Today is not so good, but tomorrow will be better.


But it’s not that bad overall, right? What would you recommend for all the punks stuck in the past? What makes punk still alive and kicking these days?

No, it’s not. I don’t want to be pessimistic, even if sometimes I feel sad for how things go. But there’s still a lot of people, even young people, putting their efforts into hardcore.

Punk is still capable of creating a playground for radical politics and alternative music. Creating something which is other from the mainstream has always been the best weapon of punk. It’s really hard to find the sense of community you can find in punk in other musical scenes. The DIY spirit is rare in other genres, for example. I guess the main difference is that hardcore / punk can become more than a musical scene. It can be a community. Until it will be so, it will keep being alive and kicking, in my opinion.

As for those stuck in the past: supporting your scene means today’s scene. Go to shows, buy records, write a zine and interview bands and people working hard in the present. Live today, not yesterday!

Gab De La Vega live

Alright, Gab. You mentioned Antifa and anti-nazi ethics you keep to. Is this movement really alive in Italy? Unfortunately, your country is one of the first associations with the word “fascism”, right? Is it still a real problem in Italy? How do you fight it?

Of course Italy has some neo fascist movements and also the institutional right wing often has links to extreme right wing people.

One of the main problems in Italy is that there’s no real historical memory of what happened here for more than 20 years. When a politician like Silvio Berlusconi (no need to comment here!) says things like “Mussolini also did good things”, you can easily understand how a part of the Italians deal with the fascist dictatorship era. It was dictatorship, it was racial laws, murders, violence, abuses and a lot of other horrible things. How can these people think there was something good in it?

Unfortunately fascism is still here and it assumed new forms to corrupt the society, to creep through the discontent of the citizens, especially during this economical crisis. But on the other hand the antifascist movement in Italy is strong, alive and healthy.

The bad thing is that antifascism is not perceived as a common value in the whole Italian society. Some people think it’s useless, and that “even /afascists can speak out their opinion”. This is very dangerous. They cannot have their say. Because it’s not a different opinion in a “democratic” or “open” dialogue. Giving voice to fascism means to legitimate the absence of the right of any opinion. It’s the opposite of any dialogue, the denial of any opinion different from the fascist one. And we cannot accept this.

One of the most important things to contrast this in my opinion is to bring antifascism back as a basic value, something to bring into daily life. We don’t have to leave any room to fascists to spread their ideas. Punk rock and hardcore are usually familiar with antifascism. They try to infiltrate, as usual, but generally they find a good resistance.

What do you find the most annoying about politics in your country these days?

Wow, this is almost impossible to answer! [smiles]

Politicians and people in power keep doing what they want and nobody really cares. Cops can beat an eighteen years old boy to death and then keep wearing their dirty uniform like nothing happened. This kind of things seem to be the norm in Italy. It sucks.

People complain, but then things keep being the same.

Luckily there are still people trying to make things better.

Does the police get involved in shows in Italy? I’m shocked every time American bands tell me about not only shutting down shows, but keeping an eye on the place and even telling people around that they are looking to cease it!

I took a look at the article that you posted on Facebook page a few days ago. It was about police in Boston trying to infiltrate a DIY indie rock show or something like that. I think this is just a form of paranoia, the need for control on anything.

Anyway, it doesn’t happen in Italy… or think it doesn’t happen! [smiles]

Actually it happened once to THE SMASHROOMS, back in 2006. We were playing a show in a small town just out of Rome. It was a sort of public space, taken for that night for the show. We were about to start and Carabinieri (Italian gendarmerie) showed up just outside. We had to wait for the situation to be solved before starting. They came because someone’s complaint for the noise. We felt as punk as the SEX PISTOLS! [laughs]

Ok, Gab. One more subject and you’re off, I promise [laughs]. I’ve been wondering about your 2007 transformation and becoming vegan straight edge. Tell me, how do you compare your both lives? How do you evolve in this relatively new state? Are you becoming more and more extremist and radical in your approach?

Oh yeah, this is actually the longest interview I’ve ever had [laughs]! But it’s nice.

I don’t compare them much actually. I like the way I live now and I don’t regret it. Before going vegan I just wasn’t aware of the suffering of the animals exploited by the food industry. I wish I could have known before, but it’s never too late to start living in a more compassionate way. Don’t look back, just look forward, to the things that you can do in your life, with your choices.

Being a straight edge is not something I feel like “a big thing”. I explain: big things are hard to deal with. I feel the straight edge completely as a part of myself, of my identity now. It’s natural and spontaneous to me now, so I don’t see the point in looking at it as something extraordinary. I don’t live my life thinking “I don’t drink, do drugs, etc”. I just live my life. Period.

But I realize that the straight edge can make quite a big difference in young people’s life, so I perfectly understand when straight edge kids make their position clear and visible.

I wouldn’t say I’ve become more radical and definitely I wouldn’t call myself an extremist. Being radical is not a bad thing, actually it is a way to take a clear position on things you want to criticize and that’s a good thing. I’m a vegan and straight edge guy who cares about things. This is not being radical, is being coherent, I guess.

As for the extremist thing: definitely not me. We live in a society where most of the people are not vegan and definitely not straight edge. I live in that society. I don’t want to close myself into the golden cage where everyone is just “like me”; the safe place. I want to interact and I need to interact with people, even if they are not vegan nor straight edge. My family is not vegan straight edge, but still I love them. People I work with, friends, bands we often share the stage with, people buying t-shirts and records at the merch table…

Sometimes it happens to me to talk about issues I care about like veganism, animal liberation, politics, straight edge with these people, but I’m not the guy that preaches on people. I’ve seen more people becoming more confident for example to veganism or becoming vegan themselves just thanks to my presence around than with someone’s preaching.

Most of the people out there never questioned their habits, whether they are eating meat or drinking alcohol. Talking about it in a friendly way makes people think more than an aggressive (or extremist) talking-to.

And by the way… if we compare a slaughterhouse to my dish of fresh salad, it’s easy to see which of the two is more “extreme”! [smiles]

Were you a social drinker before? There are so many aspects of alcohol consumption that you definitely can’t bring it all to grave danger. There are tons of amazing recipes, flavours, aromas and dimensions, especially when we’re talking about tasting and celebrating whisky. Not to mention recipes featuring a famous Irish stout Guinness that has become beloved by myself. Did you appreciate various taste values of alcohol before? Or do you think I must be mad sayin’ such things? [laughs]

I used to drink a lot of beer when going to punk shows when I was a teenager, just like a lot of people my age used to do. Then I started drinking less and less, until I quit. My drinking was associated to moments of sociality, so yes, I can say I was a social drinker. But even when I was a drinker I could enjoy people’s company and social interactions without alcohol, thing that a lot of so-called “social drinkers” cannot do.

As for the flavour: I used to drink cheap beer so the flavour was not my priority I guess! [smiles]

I know there are people who enjoy whiskeys or beers for their flavour (mostly drinking with moderation), but to be honest I think that most of the people don’t drink for the alcohol taste.

For the record, to the vegan people reading: Guinness is not vegan, nor even vegetarian. It contains gelatines and other stuff that come from bones and fish swim bladders!

It’s not up to me to judge people’s choice, even yours, I’m an easy going guy, don’t worry! [laughs]

Oh no, you ruined my world! [smiles] Seriously, I had no idea it is not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

You say that “we are just a minor threat”. Is that so? What about the gigantic threat that we hang around over the entire world? People are like a plague.

Well, it wasn’t me or us to say that in the first place, but I guess everyone knows! [laughs]

I agree with you but it’s better not to fall into a misanthropic trap, which leads to nothing. Yes, people are like a plague, but also people can change things. We are those people. Sometimes people do horrible things, but we can also decide to be the good part.

There’s a line in an acoustic song of mine that says “we have the chance to choose what to be in our lives: another problem or its solution, it’s up to you now”! Maybe it makes it too simple, but I think it is so.

Alright, Gab! Did I miss something? [smiles] Is there anything else you would like to add to our “little” chat? [smiles]

I guess we got to talk about anything in the world in this interview! [smiles]

Nothing to add but thanks to you, and people who read all I had to say.

You can get in touch with me here:, and (or Facebook).


Thanks, Gab! It was a pure pleasure!


Gab De La Vega Bandcamp
Gab De La Vega Facebook

Epidemic Records Facebook
Epidemic Records official website
Epidemic Records Twitter
Epidemic Records e-mail

THE SMASHROOMS live scream

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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