Skinhead Rob (TRANSPLANTS) has announced that he has formed a new band featuring his pal Tim Armstrong (RANCID) and three members of NAUSEA: Roy Mayorga (also of AMEBIX), John John Jesse (also of MORNING GLORY) and Vic Venom (also of REAGAN YOUTH).
Rob tweeted:
“New band in the works. John John Jesse, Roy Mayorga, Vic Venom, Tim Armstrong, and me. #ZERST�-REN”
NAUSEA explained:
Yes it’s true. New band announcement! Check it out!! we’re called ZERSTÖREN. “Destroy” in German. Expect downtuned crusty punk mayhem with moody tom tom driven dirges. Hell yehh!
NAUSEA was one of the most influential American / New York crust / anarcho / grind punk bands that existed from 1985-1992.
Photo: Rob by Scott Wynn.